8 Important French Elements of Speech to Converse Extra Proficiently

Studying French could be thrilling whilst you start with fundamental conversational phrases and end up progressing shortly. As you choose up extra vocabulary, you’ll aspire to extra subtle methods of expressing your concepts. Creating your individual sentences unlocks a complete new stage of language proficiency. To achieve that subsequent step in your language studying, you’ll need to perceive the fundamentals of how a sentence is put collectively.

Studying some language ideas, akin to French components of speech, might help you construct your sentences and converse French with confidence. No language studying journey appears the identical, however Rosetta Stone has options for each learner, so you’ll be able to create a customized expertise that’s each enjoyable and fascinating.

What are French components of speech?

Elements of speech are classes of phrases which have particular features in a sentence. Realizing which class to make use of and the way they join collectively might help you construct a sentence that expresses your thought clearly—and in addition sounds appropriate. Sure components of speech work collectively, observe an order, and affect the that means of the sentence. 

Being acquainted with the components of speech in French might help whenever you’re finding out French grammar guidelines. This information will assist make clear the necessary French components of speech so you’ll be able to really feel assured figuring out methods to assemble sentences in French. 

What number of components of speech are there within the French language?

English has eight components of speech, in line with Britannica. Some grammarians group them otherwise, however we’ll cowl these eight fundamental classes of components of speech within the French language as effectively. 

le nom / le substantifnounsignifies the particular person, place, factor, or thought
le pronompronounreplaces a noun
l’articlearticleprecedes a noun and offers you details about gender, quantity, and extra
le verbeverbsignifies motion or state of being
l’adjectifadjectivedescribes a noun
l’adverbeadverbmodifies or describes a verb or an adjective
la conjonctionconjunctionhyperlinks phrases or clauses
la prépositionprepositiontells the connection between nouns or pronouns

How can I determine the French a part of speech for a phrase? 

In lots of French vocabulary lists and dictionaries, you’ll see the French phrase adopted by some further letters or abbreviations. It would appear to be considered one of these examples: 

  • magie nf 
  • magie, n. f. 

The “nf”  or “n.f.” refers to “noun, female.”  That is helpful to tell apart the noun magie (magic) from the adjective magique (magical). It’s a fast solution to know the French a part of speech the phrase belongs to whenever you want fast assist.

There are additionally generally used abbreviations for different components of speech and traits.

  • magique adj.  (adjective) 
  • manger v. (verb) 
  • mon adj poss (possessive adjective)
  • même adv (adverb)

Le nom/le substantif (noun) 

If listening to the phrase “noun” delivered to thoughts the widespread definition “particular person, place, factor, or thought,” then you definately’re heading in the right direction already! Listed below are a couple of extra options of nouns in French: 

Nouns are often accompanied by a déterminant (determiner). These could be typical articles (a, an, the) or different phrases like (every, some, this, my).

  • la chaussette = the sock (particular article) 
  • une chaussette = a sock (indefinite article) 
  • cette chaussette = this sock (demonstrative) 
  • mes chaussettes = my socks (possessive) 

Singular or plural nouns are used to show the variety of individuals, locations, issues, or concepts.

  • La chemise = the shirt 
  • Les chemises = the shirts

Nouns have grammatical gender of both masculine or female. The gender can change the that means of the noun, which is why it’s necessary to be taught their gender and never simply the that means.

  • Le chèvre = the goat cheese 
  • La chèvre = the goat

Serving two functions, nouns can operate as topics or objects in a sentence. 

  • La chèvre a mangé la chaussette. = The goat ate the sock. (The goat is the topic.)
  • J’ai mangé le chèvre. = I ate the goat cheese. (The goat cheese is the article.) 

Le pronom (pronoun)

This standard Romance language has a number of various kinds of French pronouns, that are used to interchange a noun to be able to keep away from repetition. Your reader or listener can get aggravated fairly shortly for those who repeat a reputation or noun excessively when you inform a narrative. Evaluate these examples in English:

  • With out pronouns: I seemed for my cousin, however I didn’t see my cousin as a result of my cousin went to the shop with my cousin’s pal. 
  • With pronouns: I seemed for my cousin, however I didn’t see him as a result of he went to the shop along with his pal.

Le pronom sujet (topic pronoun)

Topic pronouns are sometimes one of many French components of speech learners will memorize. You should use topic pronouns to interchange a noun when it’s the topic of the sentence. Keep in mind, not all nouns are grammatically the topic, so that you’ll should ask “who or what’s doing the verb, or the motion?” to find out the topic.

Nous mangeons beaucoup de pizza. = We eat a number of pizza. 

Who eats a number of pizza? “We” do. So “we” is the topic pronoun.

French Topic PronounEnglish Topic Pronoun
tuyou (singular, casual) 
ilelleonhe / she/ one / we (casual) 
vousyou (formal, plural)

Le pronom réfléchi (reflexive pronoun) 

Reflexive verbs are used when the topic of the verb receives the motion of the verb. To perform this in English we generally use phrases like “myself.” Typically the reflexive pronoun doesn’t translate to English in any respect, as French has numerous verbs which might be used reflexively.

  • Je me lave les mains. = I wash my fingers. 
  • Elle se regarde dans le miroir. = She appears at herself within the mirror. 
  • Nous nous amusons. = We now have enjoyable. 
French Reflexive PronounEnglish Pronoun
teyour self
sehimself / herself / oneself
vousyour self / yourselves

Le pronom objet direct (direct object pronoun)

Direct object pronouns exchange the noun as the article of the sentence, receiving the motion of the verb. Evaluate how totally different that is to the topic pronoun.

La pizza est ma nourriture favourite. Je la mange tous les jours. = Pizza is my favourite meals. I eat it daily.  

French Direct Object PronounEnglish Pronoun
vousyou (formal, plural)

Le pronom objet oblique (oblique object pronoun) 

Oblique object pronouns are used instead of nouns when they’re the oblique object within the sentence. The oblique object solutions the query “to whom/what” or “for whom/what” is the motion taking place.

  • Elle me parle. = She talks to me. 
  • Nous leur écrivons. = We write to them. 
French Oblique Object PronounEnglish Pronoun 
meto / for me
teto / for you
luito / for him / her
nousto / for us
vousto / for you (formal, plural)
leurto / for them 

Le pronom relatif (relative pronoun) 

Relative pronouns are connectors in French. They hyperlink associated ideas, and are used like relative pronouns in English, to introduce a dependent clause. Their English translations will rely on the context and performance within the sentence. 

  • J’ai lu le livre que tu m’as recommandé. 
  • La femme qui m’a donné le livre est ta mère. 
  • Je cherche le marché j’ai acheté les pommes. 

Different relative pronouns embody: 

  • que = that, which, whom
  • qui = who 
  • = the place, when
  • lequel (and variations) = which, that
  • dont = from / of which

L’article (article)

Articles belong to the class of déterminants (determiners), which comprise a couple of helpful components of speech in French. Indefinite, particular, and partitive articles offer you necessary details about the noun, akin to its grammatical gender and quantity. It additionally signifies whether or not it’s a selected noun or object or a generalization.

L’article défini (the particular article) is the French equal of the English phrase “the.” Use this to particularly confer with an merchandise. 

  • Donne-moi le stylo.= Give me the pen. 

L’article indéfini (the indefinite article) is identical because the English phrase “a” or “some.” Use this to confer with a non-specific object or topic.

  • Donne-moi un stylo. = Give me a pen.

L’article partitif (the partitive article) is a solution to say “some” for uncountable phrases. 

  • Donne-moi du ache et du fromage. = Give me some bread and some cheese. 

Let’s check out the variations between all these articles. 

  • Je voudrais la pizza. = I would like the pizza. (You need the entire pizza, and there’s a selected pizza you’re referring to.)
  • Je voudrais une pizza. = I would like a pizza. (You need a complete pizza, however you haven’t specified which pizza it’s.) 
  • Je voudrais de la pizza. = I would like some pizza. (You need a part of a pizza.) 

When you would possibly order un fromage (a complete spherical of cheese) or du fromage (some amount of cheese), and be proud of both, these articles aren’t at all times interchangeable. Some variations in use matter!

  • Je vois des chiens ! =  I see some canines! (can point out pleasure)
  • Je vois du chien ! = I see some canine! (can point out trepidation)

Le verbe (verb) 

Verbs are the motion of the sentence and one of the essential French components of speech. Verbs are available many alternative varieties and offer you necessary data within the sentence such because the temper and tense.

The temper could possibly be indicative, subjunctive, conditional, or crucial: 

  • Indicative: Je fais les devoirs. = I do the homework. 
  • Subjunctive: Il faut que je fasse les devoirs. = It’s vital that I do the homework. 
  • Conditional: Je ferais les devoirs si j’avais plus de temps. = I might do the homework if I had extra time. 
  • Crucial: Fais les devoirs ! = Do the homework!

The tense can let you know when the motion happens in the principle timeframes of previous, current, and future. 

  • Previous: J’ai fait les devoirs. = I did the homework. 
  • Current: Je ne fais pas les devoirs le samedi. = I don’t do homework on Saturdays.
  • Future: Je ferai les devoirs un jour. = I will do the homework at some point. 

Topic-verb settlement is a crucial idea to know when studying to type French sentences. The verb must agree or match with the topic, that means a plural topic wants a plural verb (canines eat vs canine eats). Conjugating the verb type can observe common patterns or can break the foundations unpredictably. These “rule-breakers” are known as irregular verbs, and this contains lots of the most widespread verbs in French. Listed below are a number of methods to conjugate the verb “do.”

  • Je fais les devoirs. = I do the homework. 
  • Il faut que les élèves fassent les devoirs. = It’s vital that the scholars do the homework. 
  • On a fait les devoirs. = We did the homework. 
  • Mirabel fera les devoirs cette année ! = Mirabel will do the homework this 12 months! 

L’adjectif (adjective)

Adjectives modify or describe nouns and pronouns, and similar to verbs, an adjective must agree or match the noun it describes in each grammatical gender (masculine and female) and quantity (singular and plural). French adjectives observe guidelines about placement and settlement. 

French adjective settlement

As a consequence of French gender guidelines, many adjectives have 4 totally different varieties, though there could be much more when contemplating spelling variations.

  • Masculine singular: Le ache est délicieux mais cher. = The bread is scrumptious however costly.
  • Female singular: La baguette est délicieuse mais chère. = The baguette is scrumptious however costly.
  • Masculine plural: Les champignons sont délicieux mais chers. = The mushrooms are scrumptious however costly
  • Female plural: Les fraises sont délicieuses mais chères. = The strawberries are scrumptious however costly.

L’adjectif possessif (possessive adjective)

In French, possessive adjectives are one other déterminant (determiner) that additionally features like an adjective, matching the grammatical gender and variety of the singular noun that follows. This works otherwise than the English possession of “his” vs “her.” There may be additionally a plural possessive adjective, in addition to spellings that change earlier than vowel sounds. 

  • C’est son stylo. = It’s her pen. / It’s his pen.
  • C’est sa voiture. = It’s her automotive. / It’s his automotive. 
  • Ce sont ses mother and father. = They’re her mother and father. / They’re his mother and father. 
  • C’est son idée. = It’s her thought. / It’s his thought. 

L’adjectif démonstratif (demonstrative adjective) 

Demonstrative adjectives belong within the déterminant class as effectively. They reply the query “to that are you referring?” These are equal to English phrases like “this,” “that,” or “these.”  Additionally they agree with the noun that follows in each grammatical gender and quantity and may exchange an article. 

  • Je voudrais ce livre. = I would love this e-book.  
  • Cette maison est si belle ! = This home is so lovely!
  • Je n’aime pas ces couleurs.= I don’t like these colours. 
  • Cet enfant a perdu ses chaussures. = This little one has misplaced his footwear. 

La conjonction (conjunction)

French conjunctions are an important a part of speech in French that serves to hyperlink a couple of phrase or clause. They are often coordinating, that means they hyperlink the identical a part of speech; subordinating, that means they make one clause depending on the opposite; or the conjunction may even be a phrase.  

Some widespread French conjunctions are: 

  • mais = however
  • = or
  • et = and
  • donc = so, due to this fact
  • ni = neither, nor
  • automotive = as a result of
  • que = that
  • quand = when
  • ou bien = or else
  • soit… soit… = both… or… 

L’adverbe (adverb)

Adverbs modify or describe a verb or an adjective. You might be most likely most acquainted with adverbs that finish in “-ly” in English, like “quickly” or “actually.” Many French adverbs could be shaped by utilizing the suffix “-ment,” as in rapidement or certainement.

There are adverbs of place, place, method, diploma, time, frequency, and extra. A number of the most typical are: 

  • très = verb
  • seulement = solely
  • en fait = in actual fact
  • peut-être = possibly
  • assez = somewhat
  • souvent = usually
  • vraiment = actually, actually
  • déjà = already
  • presque = nearly
  • encore = once more
  • toujours = at all times
  • vite = shortly
  • bien = effectively
  • partout = throughout 
  • jamais = by no means

Le préposition (preposition)

Final however not least in our record of French components of speech are prepositions. These helpful phrases precede a noun or pronoun to be able to present issues like path or location.

It’s not particularly helpful to attempt to memorize guidelines for utilizing prepositions as their use is extremely idiomatic. Whereas some French prepositions could be realized as a direct translation, it’s usually higher to be taught them as part of a phrase.

Some widespread prepositions are: 

  • à = at
  • avec = with
  • chez = on the dwelling of
  • dans = in
  • pour = for
  • avec = with
  • parmi = since
  • avant  = earlier than
  • depuis = since
  • jusqu’à = till
  • pendant = throughout

Nevertheless, the interpretation usually will get extra sophisticated whenever you put these helpful phrases right into a sentence! Every of those makes use of of à has a unique that means in context. 

  • À demain ! = See you tomorrow! / Till tomorrow!
  • C’est à moi. = It’s mine. 
  • C’est une cuillère à soupe. = It’s a soup spoon. 
  • Elle travaille à la bibliothèque. = She works on the library. 
  • Elles vont aller à Noël. = They’re going to go on Christmas Day. 
  • J’aime bien le thé à poire. = I somewhat like pear tea. 
  • Je vais à la poste. =  I’m going to the submit workplace. 
  • L’école est à 5 minutes d’ici. = The college is 5 minutes away from right here. 
  • La femme à la jupe jaune parle espagnol. = The girl within the yellow skirt speaks Spanish. 
  • Mon frère habite à Paris. = My brother lives in Paris. 
  • Nous travaillons à deux km de l’école. = We work two kilometers from the college. 
  • On est ouvert de février à juin. = We’re open from February via June.

Study French components of speech in context with Rosetta Stone

The extra French you be taught in context, the extra French components of speech start to make sense. Realizing the distinction between an adjective and an adverb, for instance, might help you sound extra pure. Rosetta Stone’s Dynamic Immersion methodology is probably the most intuitive solution to be taught a brand new language, serving to you first comprehend then use components of speech in French seamlessly to type sentences of your individual, simply as you probably did when studying to talk as a baby.

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