Vocabulary Booster: 203 Animals in German
Studying the names of animals in German is a good way to provide your self cultural context. From the trademark discourse of ecological safety you’re certain to listen to in Germany to German idioms like “Wo der Bär steppt” (the place the bear dances), animals affect a lot of German tradition. Due to similarities between English and German, there are a lot of animal names in German which can be both related or equivalent to their English names, resembling der Hamster (the hamster), making German straightforward to study. Learn on to increase your vocabulary with over 200 animals within the German language.
Widespread pets and animals in German households

Naming animals in German households can transcend pet names like “Spot” or “Thor.” Present your fellow German audio system that the way to converse German by with the ability to establish their pets and your personal by their species’ true title. Maintain a watch out for what number of German phrases match the sound or spelling of the English phrase!
German Animal and Article | Pronunciation | English Translation |
der Ara | AH-rah | the macaw |
der Boxer | BOHX-er | the boxer |
der Chihuahua | chi-HWA-hwa | the chihuahua |
der Dackel/Dachshund | DAHK-el/DAHKS-hoont | the dachshund |
die Dogge | Doh-geh | the nice dane |
die Eidechse | EYE-dek-suh | the lizard |
der Fink | FEENK | the finch |
der Fisch | FISH | the fish |
das Frettchen | FRET-chuhn | the ferret |
der Gecko | GEH-koh | the gecko |
der Goldfisch | GOHLT-fish | the goldfish |
der Hamster | HAHM-stuhr | the hamster |
der Husky | HUS-kee | the husky |
der Kanarienvogel | kah-NAH-REE-en-FOH-guhl | the canary |
das Kaninchen | kah-NEEN-chuhn | the rabbit |
der Kater | CAT-er | the tomcat/male cat |
die Katze | KAHT-stuh | the cat |
der Labrador | LAH-brah-DOOR | the labrador |
das Meerscheinchen | MEHR-SHVINE-chuhn | the guinea pig |
die Maus | MOWS | the mouse |
der Papagei | pah-pah-GUY | the parrot |
das Pony | POH-nee | the horse |
der Pudel | POO-del | the poodle |
die Ratte | RAH-tuh | the rat |
die Schildkröte | SHILT-kroe-tuh | the turtle |
die Schlange | SHLAHNG-uh | the snake |
der Siamkater | ZEE-amh-KAH-ter | the siamese cat |
der Wellensittich | VEH-len-ZIT-tich | the budgerigar (“budgie” fowl) |
der Welpe | WEL-puh | the pet |
die Wüstenrennmaus | VOO-sten-ren-MOWS | the gerbil |
German cattle
Agriculture has been very important to sustaining life in Germany for a whole bunch if not hundreds of years, and we are able to see this within the similarities within the names of animals in German to their English counterparts. This proves the deep historic connection to the creature and the way this connection can stand up to the check of time and the linguistic growth of newly forming languages. Now you might be part of this custom by memorizing this record of German names for cattle.
German Animal and Article | Pronunciation | English Translation |
der Bulle | BOOL-eh | the bull |
das Dromedar | DROH-meh-dahr | the dromedary |
die Ente | EN-tuh | the duck |
der Esel | AYE-sel | the donkey |
das Ferkel | FEHR-kuhl | the piglet |
die Gans | GAHNS | the goose |
das Huhn | HOON | the hen |
die Henne | HEN-uh | the hen |
das Kalb | KALP | the calf |
die Kuh | KOO | the cow |
das Lama | LAH-mah | the llama |
das Lamm | LAM | the lamb |
das Maultier | MOWL-teer | the mule |
das Mutterschaf | MOOT-er-SHAHF | the ewe |
der Ochse | OHX-uh | the ox |
der Pfau | PFOW | the peacock |
das Pferd | PFEHRT | the horse |
der Rammler | RAHM-ler | the buck rabbit |
das Rentier | ren-TEER | the reindeer |
das Schaf | SHAHF | the sheep |
der Schäferhund | SHEY-fer-HOONT | the sheepherding canine |
die Schnecke | SHNEK-uh | the snail |
das Schwein | SHVINE | the pig |
die Stute | SHTOO-tuh | the mare |
das Trampeltier | TRAHM-pel-TEER | the camel |
der Truthahn | TROOT-han | the turkey |
der Uhu | OO-HOO | the owl |
das Wiesel | VEE-sel | the weasel |
der Ziegenbock | TSEE-ghen-BOC | the billy goat |
die Ziege | TSEE-guh | the goat |
German marine animals
Generally naming animals in German requires getting your self moist! Dive into deep waters with the aquatic German animals listed right here:
German Animal and Article | Pronunciation | English Translation |
der Aal | AHL | the eel |
die Auster | OW-ster | the oyster |
der Barrakuda | BAH-RAH-KOO-DAH | the barracuda |
der Blauwal | BLOU-vahl | the blue whale |
der Blobfisch | BLOB-fish | the blobfish |
der Clownfish | CLOUN-fish | the clownfish |
der Delfin | del-FEEN | the dolphin |
der Dorsch | DORSH | the cod |
der Fächerfisch | FAE-cher-FISH | the sailfish |
der Flusskrebs | FLOOS-krebs | the crayfish |
die Flunder | FLOON-der | the flounder |
der Garnele | gar-NEH-luh | the shrimp |
der Hai | HIGH | the shark |
der Hammerhai | HAH-mer-HIGH | the hammerhead shark |
der Hering | HEY-ring | the herring |
der Hummer | HOO-mer | the lobster |
die Jakobsmuschel | YAH-kops-MOOS-schel | the scallop |
der Kalmar | KAL-mar | the squid |
der Kabeljau | KAH-bel-YOW | the Atlantic cod |
die Koralle | koh-RAH-luh | the coral |
die Krabbe | KRAH-buh | the crab |
das Krokodil | kroh-coh-DIL | the crocodile |
der Kugelfisch | KOO-gel-fish | the pufferfish |
der Lachs | LAHX | the salmon |
der Laternenfisch | lah-TERN-nen-FISH | the lanternfish |
der Makohai | MAH-koh-high | the mako shark |
die Makrele | mah-KREH-luh | the mackerel |
der Manta | MAHN-tah | the manta ray |
die Meduse | meh-DOO-zuh | the jellyfish |
die Muräne | moo-RAEH-nuh | the moray eel |
das Nilpferd | NEEL-pfehrt | the hippopotamus |
der Pinguin | pin-GWEEN | the penguin |
der Plattfisch | PLAHT-fish | the flatfish |
die Robbe | ROH-buh | the seal |
der Rochen | ROH-ken | the ray fish |
der Rotfeuerfisch | ROHT-FOY-er-FISH | the lionfish |
der Schwertfisch | SHVERHT-fish | the swordfish |
der Seehund | ZAY-hoont | the harbor seal |
der Seeigel | zee-EE-gel | the ocean urchin |
der Seeotter | ZEE-ohter | the ocean otter |
der Seepferdchen | zee-PFEHRD-chuhn | the seahorse |
der Seestern | ZEE-shtehrn | the starfish |
der Stör | SHTOER | the sturgeon |
der Thunfisch | TOON-fish | the tuna |
der Tintenfisch | TIN-ten-FISH | the octopus |
die Venusmuschel | VEH-noos-MOO-shel | the clam |
der Wal | VAHL | the whale |
das Walross | VAL-ros | the walrus |
der Zackenbarsch | TSAH-ken-BARSH | the grouper |
der Zwergwal | TSVERKH-VAHL | the pygmy whale |
Animals from the savanna
The African savanna seems to be starkly totally different from Germany’s black forest, however you’ll nonetheless need to know the German phrases for Africa’s well-known animals. Incorporate your subsequent safari into your record of German phrases by learning this group of animals in German generally discovered within the savanna.
German Animal and Article | Pronunciation | English Translation |
die Antilope | AHN-tee-LOH-puh | the antelope |
der Beinenfresser | BI-nen-fres-ser | the bee-eater |
der Büffel | BOOH-fel | the buffalo |
das Dikdik | DEEK-DEEK | the dik-dik |
der Elefant | el-EH-FANT | the elephant |
das Erdferkel | EHRT-FEHR-kel | the aardvark |
der Gepard | GEH-pahrt | the cheetah |
die Giraffe | gee-RAHF-fuh | the giraffe |
das Gnu | GNOO | the wildebeest |
der Honigdachs | HOH-nig-DACS | the honey badger |
der Hyänenhund | hoo-YEH-nen-HOONT | the African wild canine |
die Hyäne | hoo-YEH-nuh | the hyena |
der Ibis | EE-bis | the ibis |
der Impala | im-PAH-lah | the impala |
der Leopard | LEH-oh-PAHRT | the leopard |
der Löwe | LUH-vuh | the lion |
die Manguste | mahn-GOOS-tuh | the mongoose |
die Marabu | MAH-RAH-boo | the marabou stork |
das Nashorn | NAHS-horn | the rhinoceros |
das Pangolin | PHN-GO-lin | the pangolin |
der Pavian | pah-VEE-ahn | the baboon |
der Perlhuhn | PEHRL-hoon | the guinea fowl |
der Sekretärvogel | ZEHK-reh-TAER-voh-gel | the secretary fowl |
die Springmaus | SHPRING-mows | the jerboa |
die Strauß | STROUS | the ostrich |
das Stachelschwein | STAH-hel-SHVINE | the porcupine |
der Termitenfresser | tehr-MEE-ten-FRES-ser | the termite eater |
das Warzenschwein | VAHRT-sen-SHVINE | the warthog |
der Wildhund | VILT-hoont | the wild canine |
das Zebra | TSEH-brah | the zebra |