Be taught the Names of 121+ Animals in French From Pets to Predators
Probably the most enjoyable issues to be taught in any new language is learn how to discuss animals. Whether or not you’re strolling via the zoo within the Bois de Vincennes in Paris, visiting the lemurs in Madagascar, or speaking to your pets in French, figuring out learn how to say animals in French can improve any animal expertise!
How you can say ‘animal’ in French
The phrase for “animal” in French is tremendous straightforward — animal — which is pronounced “ah-nee-mahl.” This phrase is an ideal French cognate, however one peculiarity is that its plural type (animals) shouldn’t be as apparent: animaux (ah-nee-moh).
Names of les animaux domestiques (pets) in French
Everybody loves speaking about their pets! There are two other ways to say “pet” in French: animal domestique or animal de compagnie. Like all French nouns, every animal title has its personal gender, though most are masculine. Sure animals have totally different varieties or phrases for his or her feminine counterparts, however for essentially the most half, the genders listed under are used.
For those who’re battling French gender guidelines, Rosetta Stone might help you be taught extra naturally with out the necessity for memorization!
French | Pronunciation | English |
le chaméléon | kah-may-lay-ohn | the chameleon |
le chat | shah | the cat |
le chaton | shah-tohn | the kitten |
le chien | shee-ehn | the canine |
le chiot | shee-oh | the pet |
le cochon d’Inde | ko-shohn dahnd | the guinea pig |
le furet | foo-ray | the ferret |
la gerbille | jer-bee | the gerbil |
le hamster | ahm-stair | the hamster |
le hérisson | air-ee-sohn | the hedgehog |
le lézard | lay-zar | the lizard |
le lézard à barbe | lay-zar-ah-barb | the bearded dragon |
l’oiseau (m) | wah-zoh | the chicken |
le poisson | pwah-sohn | the fish |
le poisson rouge | pwah-sohn-rouj | the goldfish |
le serpent | sair-puhn | the snake |
How you can discuss your pets in French
The verb avoir (to have) is crucial in discussing pets in French. With the ability to conjugate this frequent French verb can take your French dialog to the following stage. The examples under use the formal “you,” however you possibly can determine when to make use of tu or vous relying on the scenario.
- Avez-vous un animal domestique ? = Do you’ve a pet?
- Vous avez combien d’animaux de compagnie ? = You have got what number of pets?
- J’ai deux chiens. = I’ve two canines.
- Je n’ai pas d’animal domestique. = I don’t have any pets.
Les animaux du zoo (zoo animals) in French
From the large ZooParc de Beauval in France to the Zoo de Granby in Quebec, there are a lot of zoos to find throughout the French-speaking world. Be ready for a go to with the French names of the animals you may encounter.
French | Pronunciation | English |
l’alligator (m) | ah-lee-gah-tohr | the alligator |
le flamant | flah-mahn | the flamingo |
la girafe | jee-rahf | the giraffe |
le gorille | gohr-ee | the gorilla |
le kangourou | kang-ooh-roo | the kangaroo |
le koala | koh-ah-la | the koala |
le lion | lee-ohn | the lion |
la loutre | loo-truh | the otter |
le manchot | mahnsh-oh | the penguin |
l’ours (m) | ooh-rs | the bear |
le panda | pahn-dah | the panda |
le singe | sah-nj | the monkey |
le tigre | tee-gruh | the tiger |
le zèbre | zeh-bruh | the zebra |
Les animaux de la ferme (livestock) in French: names and sounds
Past main cities and their zoos, there are charming rural areas begging to be explored. Communities everywhere in the French-speaking world cherish their livestock.
French | Pronunciation | English |
l’âne (m) | ahn | the donkey |
le canard | kah-nar | the duck |
le cheval | shuh-vahl | the horse |
le cochon | koh-shohn | the pig |
le coq | kohk | the rooster |
le dindon | dahn-dohn | the turkey |
le mouton | moo-tohn | the sheep |
l’oie (f) | wah | the goose |
la poule | pool | the hen |
le poussin | poo-sahn | the chick |
la vache | vah-sh | the cow |
Animal sounds in French
Though animals don’t make totally different sounds in numerous international locations, their sounds are interpreted uniquely relying on the language. In French, these onomatopoeias differ barely from ours.
Animal | French Onomatopoeia | English Onomatopoeia |
cat | miaou | meow |
chick | piou piou | cheep |
cow | meuh | moo |
canine | ouaf ouaf | woof woof |
donkey | hi-han | hee-haw |
duck | coin coin | quack quack |
pig | groin groin | oink oink |
rooster | coquericot | cock-a-doodle-doo |
sheep | bêê | baa |
turkey | glou glou glou | gobble gobble |
French idioms that use animals
As in English, there are idioms in French that use animals. Idioms might help you stage up your language and sound extra like a local speaker!
French Idiom | Literal Translation | English Idiom |
appeler un chat un chat | to name a cat a cat | to name a spade a spade |
faire le froid d’un canard | to be a duck’s chilly | to be actually chilly exterior |
quand les poules auront les dents | when chickens have enamel | when pigs fly |
revenons à nos moutons | let’s get again to our sheep | let’s get again on monitor |
Les animaux de la forêt (forest animals) in French

Headed to tour Quebec or to hike via Switzerland? For those who’re somebody who prefers to discover nature, figuring out these forest animals will allow you to narrate your journey via one of many many lovely forests all through the French-speaking world.
French | Pronunciation | English |
le cerf | sairf | the deer |
la chauve-souris | shohv soo-ree | the bat |
la chouette | shoo-ett | the owl (with feathers on head) |
le crapaud | crah-poh | the toad |
l’écureuil (m) | ay-cure-oy | the squirrel |
l’élan (Fr) / l’orignal (Can) (each m) | ay-lahn / or-ee-nyal | the moose |
le hibou | ee-boo | the owl (with no feathers on head) |
la mouffette | moo-fett | the skunk |
l’ours brun (m) | ooh-rs bruhn | the brown bear |
l’ours noir (m) | ooh-rs noo-ar | the black bear |
le raton laveur | rah-tohn lah-vair | the raccoon |
la souris | soo-ree | the mouse |
Les animaux du désert et de la savane (savanna and desert animals) in French
There are over 25 international locations in Africa that talk French. Though many of those animals are additionally discovered within the zoo, prepare on your safari adventures in a French-speaking African nation with these desert and savanna animals!
French | Pronunciation | English |
le babouin | bah-boo-ahn | the baboon |
le chameau | shah-mo | the camel |
l’émeu (m) | ay-muh | the emu |
le fourmilier | foor-mee-lee-ay | the anteater |
la gazelle | gah-zell | the gazelle |
la girafe | jee-rahf | the giraffe |
le gorille | gohr-ee | the gorilla |
la hyène | ee-enn | the hyena |
le scorpion | skor-pee-ohn | the scorpion |
le singe | sah-nj | the monkey |
le suricate | soo-ree-kaht | the meerkat |
le tigre | tee-gruh | the tiger |
le phacochère | fah-ko-shair | the warthog |
le zèbre | zeh-bruh | the zebra |
Les animaux marins (marine animals) in French
Whether or not you’re headed to the Caribbean or one of many coasts of France, there are a lot of marine animals to find. If being close to the ocean is extra your velocity, use the next tables to be prepared on your subsequent seaside journey.
French | Pronunciation | English |
la baleine | bah-lenn | the whale |
le crabe | krahb | the crab |
le dauphin | doh-fahn | the dolphin |
l’étoile de mer (f) | ay-twol duh mair | the starfish |
l’hippocampe (m) | ee-poh-kahmp | the seahorse |
le homard | oh-mar | the lobster |
le macareux | mah-kah-ruh | the puffin |
la méduse | may-dooz | the jellyfish |
l’ours polaire / l’ours blanc (m) | ooh-rs poh-lair, ooh-rs blahn | the polar bear |
le phoque | fohk | the seal |
la pieuvre | pee-uh-vruh | the octopus |
le requin | ruh-kahn | the shark |
la tortue marine | tor-too mah-reen | the ocean turtle |
Les insectes (bugs) in French
Whether or not you like them or hate them, bugs are in every single place! In France, touring to Provence means listening to the peaceable sound of cicadas. Understanding learn how to say bugs in French may be helpful in a wide range of conditions.
French | Pronunciation | English |
l’abeille (f) | ah-bay | the bee |
le cafard | kah-far | the cockroach |
la chenille | shen-ee | the caterpillar |
la cigale | see-gahl | the cicada |
la coccinelle | kohk-see-nell | the ladybug |
le coléoptère | koh-lay-ope-tair | the beetle |
la fourmis | foor-mee | the ant |
le grillon | gree-ohn | the cricket |
la libellule | lee-bell-ool | the dragonfly |
la mouche | moosh | the fly |
le moustique | moo-steek | the mosquito |
le papillon | pah-pee-ohn | the butterfly |
la sauterelle | soh-tair-ell | the grasshopper |
Les animaux du monde francophone (animals of the French-speaking world)
There are lots of Francophone (French-speaking) locales with their very own distinctive species of animals. Uncover some uniquely French animals from world wide.
Animals in Madagascar

Madagascar is among the most original locations on earth in terms of animals. Round 85% of the animals in Madagascar can solely be discovered there! Since French is among the official languages of Madagascar, it’s a no-brainer to check these animal phrases in French forward of time. You’ll undoubtedly need to know the phrase lémurien (lemur), as there are over 110 species of lemurs to find in Madagascar.
French | Pronunciation | English |
l’aigrette (f) | ay-gret | the egret |
le chaméléon | kah-may-lay-ohn | the chameleon |
la colombe | koh-lohmb | the dove |
le corbeau | kor-boh | the crow |
le gecko | geh-koh | the gecko |
la grenouille | gruh-nwee | the frog |
l’iguane (m) | ee-gwan | the iguana |
le lémurien | lay-mur-ee-ahn | the lemur |
le martin-pêcheur | mar-tahn-pesh-air | the kingfisher |
le perroquet | pair-oh-kay | the parrot |
la roussette | roo-set | the flying fox |
French names for animals from Martinique, Guadeloupe, & the Caribbean
One other standard vacation spot for journey is the Caribbean. Martinique and Guadeloupe have many distinctive animals to see and discuss in your subsequent journey. Take a stroll via the Jardin de Balata in Martinique or the Guadeloupe Zoo!
French | Pronunciation | English |
le faucon pèlerin | foh-kohn-pell-er-ahn | the peregrine falcon |
le fou aux pieds rouges | foo-oh-pee-ay-rouj | the red-footed booby |
le grand héron | grahn-air-ohn | the good blue heron |
le grand requin blanc | grahn-ruh-kahn-blahn | the good white shark |
l’orque (f) | ork | the killer whale |
le pélican | pay-lee-kahn | the pelican |
le poisson-lune | pwah-ssohn-loon | the ocean sunfish |
la tortue luth | tor-too-loot | the leatherback sea turtle |
Grammar guidelines for French animal names
If you write or talk about French animals, there are just a few grammar guidelines that can allow you to be extra clear.
How you can make animal names plural in French
It’s commonest in French to easily add an -s when making a phrase plural. However most animal names (and phrases) in French that finish in -al change to -aux for his or her plural type, like animaux. There are additionally just a few French animal names that finish in -u, like chameau and oiseau, that use an -x as a substitute of an -s.
- l’anima (the animal)
- les animaux (the animals)
- le chameau (the camel)
- les chameaux (the camels)
- l’oiseau (the chicken)
Utilizing articles with French animal names
Past pluralizing the phrase itself, you’ll must know learn how to use articles in French with animals.
- If the singular article is particular (the) and makes use of le, la, or l’ (earlier than a vowel), the pluralized model is les.
- l’animal (the animal) turns into les animaux (the animals)
- If the singular article is indefinite (a/some) and makes use of un or une, the pluralized model is des.
- un animal (an animal) turns into des animaux (some animals)
Pronunciation of animals in French
A number of French animal phrases (together with a lot of French phrases) finish in a nasal sound, famous with the -hn ending. These phrases don’t finish in a tough “n” sound, however relatively the “n” sound trails off. Examples are -on, -en, -ant, and -ent. Rosetta Stone’s TruAccent speech recognition engine might help you grasp nasal sounds and different French pronunciations!
Be taught extra about animals in French with Rosetta Stone
Understanding learn how to say animals in French is a good device when touring and for having significant conversations with fellow animal lovers in French. Along with animal names, Rosetta Stone might help you develop your vocabulary to habitats, colours, verbs, and rather more. Take into account dwell classes, as real-time instruction with a local speaker is bound to fast-track your French and help you acquire entry to the French-speaking world!