Be taught How To Use French Nouns Confidently To Kind Full Sentences

French nouns are powerhouses of communication! In grammar, the definition of a noun is that it’s the phrase(s) in a sentence that symbolize an individual, place, factor, or thought. It’s important to call these specifics in your sentence so folks perceive what you’re referring to. Nouns within the French language direct a lot of the sentence since they work alongside articles and adjectives. Most significantly, the extra widespread French phrases and nouns you recognize, the extra ideas you may perceive and talk about with confidence.

The French phrase for “noun” is le nom, however you might hear it referred to as le substantif. We’ll share some widespread French nouns, how they operate in a sentence, and some suggestions for utilizing them successfully. Rosetta Stone shouldn’t be solely right here to introduce you to a great deal of French nouns, however with our confirmed strategies, we assist you each step of the way in which as you study French from the consultants!

Figuring out French Nouns

A noun is a naming phrase. It might establish an individual, a spot, a tangible object, an idea, or a normal thought. That is pretty easy, proper? If we actually need to perceive nouns at a deeper degree, there are a number of attributes to be aware of, corresponding to whether or not a noun is uncountable or countable and whether or not it’s correct or widespread. You’ll additionally have to know its quantity and gender (dictated by French grammar guidelines). A noun can have a number of of those attributes beneath on the identical time. For instance, it may be singular, female, and summary, like la jeunesse (youth). Or it could possibly be plural, masculine, and concrete, like les lits (the beds). 

Noun KindDefinitionExamples
le nom propre (correct noun) the particular title of a person, a spot, or a novel factor; begins with a capital letterJoseph
La France
L’Académie Française
le nom commun (widespread noun)a category or class of particular person, place, factor, or idea; doesn’t confer with a particular particular personl’homme (the person)
le pays (the nation) 
l’organisation (the group) 
le nom comptable (countable noun) a amount of the noun will be decided; it may be preceded by a cardinal quantity (ex. one, twelve, forty)trois filles (three ladies)  
cinquante étoiles (fifty stars) 
mille pages (a thousand pages) 
le nom massif (uncountable noun / mass noun)it can’t be counted or preceded by a quantity since it’s summary or will be divided into infinite components; distinguished from countable nounl’eau (water) 
le sable (sand) 
la joie (pleasure) 
le nom composé (compound noun)a noun that’s made up of two or extra phrases; typically related with a hyphen l’arc-en-ciel (the rainbow) 
le coffre-fort (the secure) 
le gratte-ciel (the skyscraper) 
le nom masculin (masculine noun)a noun having masculine grammatical genderle couteau (the knife) 
le spectacle (the present) 
le journal (the newspaper) 
le nom féminin (female noun)a noun having female grammatical genderla bibliothèque (the library) 
la framboise (the raspberry)
la bouteille (the bottle) 
le nom singulier (singular noun)refers to just one particular person or factor, or a collective noun handled as a single unitle roi (the king)
la reine (the queen) 
l’équipe (the crew) 
le nom pluriel (plural noun)refers to a couple of particular person or factor les rois (the kings)
les reines (the queens)  
le nom concret (concrete noun)refers to one thing you may expertise along with your senses, together with materials or bodily objectsla guitare (the guitar) 
la lampe (the lamp) 
le lit (the mattress) 
le nom abstrait (summary noun)refers to a high quality, a non-material idea, or one thing intangiblel’histoire (historical past) 
la jeunesse (youth) 
l’assurance (assure) 

How do French nouns work together with different components of speech? 

Nouns are one of many important parts of a sentence that make up French components of speech. French nouns will affect or be influenced by different surrounding phrases within the sentence in a number of necessary methods.

Nouns and adjectives 

All French adjectives should agree with the nouns they describe in each gender and quantity. For instance, if a noun is masculine and singular, the adjective that modifies (or describes) it might want to match. It can even be within the masculine singular type. 

  • Le livre est intéressant. (m.s.)  = The e-book is fascinating.  
  • Les lettres sont intéressantes. (f. pl.)  = The letters are fascinating. 

Nouns and articles

Articles should agree with the noun they precede in each gender and quantity. This is applicable to all the articles in French, together with particular, indefinite, and partitive articles. 

Particular ArticleIndefinite ArticlePartitive Article
le gâteau (the cake) un gâteau (a cake) du gâteau (some cake) 
la glace (the ice cream) une glace (an ice cream) de la glace (some ice cream) 
les pâtes (the pasta) (makes use of the partitive as a result of pasta is uncountable) des pâtes (some pasta) 
les biscuits (the cookies) un biscuit (a cookie) 
des biscuits (some cookies) 
(makes use of the indefinite article as a result of cookies are countable) 
l’oignon (the onion) un oignon (an onion) 
des oignons (some onions)
de l’oignon (some onion) 

Nouns and pronouns

A noun will be changed by a pronoun to keep away from repetition. All French pronouns should match the noun’s gender and quantity simply as topics and verbs agree in English and French.

  • Paul Cézanne est né à Aix-en-Provence le 19 janvier. = Paul Cézanne was born in Aix-en-Provence on January 19. 
  • Il est connu pour peindre les paysages. = He is understood for portray landscapes. 
  • Édith Piaf est née le 19 décembre à Paris. = Édith Piaf was born on December 19 in Paris. 
  • Elle est connue pour chanter beaucoup de chansons classiques. = She is understood for singing many basic songs. 
  • Ils sont forts et courageux. = They are sturdy and brave.
  • Astérix et Obélix sont personnages d’ une bande dessinée très appréciée. = Astérix and Obélix are characters from a very fashionable comedian e-book. 

Nouns and verbs 

A noun is commonly used as the topic of a sentence. To correctly comply with French verb conjugation guidelines, the verb will probably be conjugated within the type that agrees with the topic.

For instance, if the noun is les chiens (canine), it’s a third particular person plural noun and can want a plural verb. The verb aboyer (to bark) should be conjugated to the third particular person plural type: aboient (bark). 

  • Les chiens aboient. = The canine bark
  • Mon chat n’aboie pas. Il miaule. = My cat doesn’t bark. He meows

Each components of sure compound tenses, such because the passé composé with être, are affected by the gender and variety of the topic. 

  • Jules César est mort aux Ides de mars. = Julius Caesar died on the Ides of March.
  • De nombreuses personnes sont mortes à trigger de l’éruption du Vésuve. = Many individuals died due to the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. 

A noun may also be the article of the verb. It could possibly be both a direct or an oblique object within the sentence, relying on how it’s affected by the motion of the verb. In different phrases, is the direct object (noun) being acted upon or doing the motion?

  • J’ai mangé la pomme. = I ate the apple. (direct object) 
  • J’ai jeté la pomme à ma sœur. = I threw the apple to my sister. (oblique object) 

Tips on how to establish a noun’s gender

The gender of French nouns is invariable, that means it doesn’t change. You will need to know whether or not a noun is masculine or female to be able to choose the right article or pronoun to go together with it. Understanding the gender additionally helps with correct adjective settlement, which is simply one of many necessary gender guidelines in French.

As you’re studying French phrases and nouns, it’s useful to concentrate to their gender. Listed below are some clues for figuring out the gender of a French noun: 

  • Be taught it alongside an article
    • The articles le and un are giveaways {that a} noun is masculine. 
    • You possibly can assume that la and une will precede a female noun. 
    • If the article is plural, as in les or des, you’ll want extra data. 
    • If the noun begins with a vowel or silent “h,” the particular article l’ gained’t inform you for certain what the noun’s gender is.
  • Discover the adjective settlement in a sentence. Because the adjective should agree with the noun it’s describing, you may inform the gender of singular nouns that begin with a vowel.
    • L’or est brillant. = Gold is shiny.(masculine)   
    • L’étoile est brillante. = The star is shiny. (female) 
  • Look it up in a vocabulary checklist or useful resource.
    • Some dictionaries will embrace further details about French phrases and nouns, corresponding to “m.s.” for “ masculine singular,” or “” for “female plural.” That is particularly useful if you don’t produce other apparent clues. 

Classes of widespread masculine nouns in French

Sure classes make a whole lot of sense as masculine nouns in French, corresponding to the apparent phrases for male people and different dwelling issues, however others may shock you! Listed below are a number of classes of nouns within the French language which are often masculine.

Noun ClassExamples
borrowed English phrasesle jogging (jogging)
le shampooing (shampoo
)le weekend (the weekend) 
cardinal factorsl’est (east)
le nord (north)
le sud (south)
L’ouest (west)
coloursle blanc (white)
le bleu (blue)
le rouge (crimson)
nations ending with a letter apart from “-e”le Canada (Canada)
le Japon (Japan)
days of the weekle lundi (Monday)
le mardi (Tuesday)
le mercredi (Wednesday)
le jeudi (Thursday)
le vendredi (Friday)
le samedi (Saturday)
le dimanche (Sunday)
languagesL’allemand (German)
L’anglais (English)
le chinois (Chinese language)
L’espagnol (Spanish)
le français (French)
l’italien (Italian)
le japonais (Japanese)
le russe (Russian)
male animalsle bélier (the ram)
le coq (the rooster)
le taureau (the bull)
males and boysle garçon (the boy)
l’homme (the person)
le neveu (the nephew)
l’oncle (the uncle)
le père (the daddy)
metalsl’argent (silver)
l’or (gold)
le plomb (iron)
seasonsl’été (summer time)
l’automne (fall)
l’hiver (winter)
le printemps (spring)
woman giving thumbs up to virtual class on her cellphone while teaching french nouns

French noun endings which are often masculine

Taking note of patterns corresponding to phrase endings might help you establish masculine nouns within the French language. 

Ending of French PhraseInstance 
-aclele spectacle (the present) 
-asmele sarcasme (sarcasm) 
-eaule berceau (the cradle) 
-eurl’extérieur (the skin) 
-ismele minimalisme (minimalism) 
-mentl’enseignement (instructing / schooling) 

Classes of widespread female nouns in French

Whereas there are at all times exceptions to any rule, these classes might help you discover patterns of gender in French nouns which are female. 

Noun ClassExamples
continentsL’Afrique (Africa)
L’Amérique du Nord/Sud  (North / South America)
L’Asie (Asia)
l’Australie (Australia)
l’Europe (Europe)
nations ending in “-e”La Chine (China)
La France (France)
L’Inde (India)
L’Italie (Italy)
feminine animalsla brebis (the ewe)
la poule (the hen)
la vache (the cow)
faculty topics apart from languagesla biologie (biology)
la chimie (chemistry)
l’histoire (historical past)
la littérature (literature)
la mathématiques (arithmetic)
la philosophie (philosophy)
girls and ladiesla femme (the lady)
la fille (the lady)
la mère (the mom)
la nièce (the niece)
la tante (the aunt)

French nouns endings which are often female

These phrase endings typically belong to the group of female nouns in French. Whereas there are exceptions to any rule, it’s useful to note normal patterns of noun endings in case it is advisable guess. 

Ending of French PhraseInstance
-ance / encela finance (finance) 
la fréquence (the frequency) 
-sion / tionl’tour (the journey) 
la nation (the nation) 
-téla beauté (magnificence) 
-tudel’inquiétude (the concern) 
-urela tradition (tradition) 

French nouns that change that means with gender

Some nouns exist in each genders however can change that means relying on the article that comes earlier than it. This isn’t an exhaustive checklist, but it surely may assist you to keep away from some confusion. 

Masculine French Phrase Female French Phrase
le information (information) la information (reins of a horse) 
le livre (the e-book) la livre (the pound, a measure of weight) 
le mémoire (the memoir) la mémoire (the reminiscence) 
le mode (technique, approach) la mode (style) 
le moule (the mildew or pan for baking) la moule (the mussel, a sort of mollusk) 
le poste (job) la poste (the publish workplace) 
le tour (the flip when taking turns) la tour (the tower) 
le voile (veil) la voile (sail on a ship) 

Nouns which are singular in French however plural in English 

English audio system may need to pay specific consideration to nouns which are used within the singular in French reasonably than the plural. Keep in mind, the types of verbs and adjectives will change to match the noun, so understanding these phrases will assist you to construction the entire sentence. 

Singular French Noun Plural English Noun
l’actualitéthe present occasions / the information
la batteriethe drums (as within the drum set) 
le contenuthe contents
l’escalierthe steps
le pyjamathe pajamas
la vaissellethe dishes

Nouns which are plural in French however singular in English

Chances are you’ll spend your trip in France, however bear in mind that the French phrase les vacances (the holidays) is plural versus the singular type in English. Listed below are a number of different examples that can assist you sound extra authentically French.

Plural French NounSingular English Noun
les bagagesthe luggage or baggage
les cérealesthe cereal
les cheveuxthe hair 
les conseilsthe recommendation
les échecschess (the sport) 
les meublesthe furnishings
les ordures/les déchetsthe trash or the rubbish
les pâtesthe pasta
les preuvesthe proof
les sciencesscience
les toilettesthe restroom
les vacancesthe holiday 

Use nouns in French with confidence with Rosetta Stone

A part of talking French with confidence shouldn’t be solely understanding easy methods to use nouns that symbolize folks, locations, issues, and ideas, but additionally understanding their gender, quantity, and different attributes. With nouns because the anchors of your sentence, you’ll be capable to select the right types of articles, verbs, and adjectives to assemble significant sentences that additionally sound wonderful!

Understanding all about nouns in French makes it all of the extra rewarding if you see them in context, corresponding to if you learn a few of Rosetta Stone’s Tales. As a part of the all-in-one Rosetta Stone app, these tales convey the teachings collectively in a narrative as in case you had been already in France.

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