Free: 356 Problems with Galaxy, the Groundbreaking Nineteen Fifties Science Fiction Journal

Together with Astound­ing Sci­ence Fic­tion and The Magazine­a­zine of Fan­ta­sy and Sci­ence Fic­tion, Galaxy Magazine­a­zine was one of the impor­tant sci­ence fic­tion digests in Nineteen Fifties Amer­i­ca. Ray Brad­bury wrote for it–together with an ear­ly ver­sion of his mas­ter­piece Fahren­heit 451–as did Robert A. Hein­lein, Isaac Asi­mov, Fred­erik Pohl, Theodore Stur­geon, Twine­wain­er Smith, Jack Vance,…

The Web page That Modified Comics Eternally: Uncover the Modern Nineteen Fifties Comedian E book That Nearly Went Unpublished

Should you grew up learn­ing Amer­i­can com­ic books dur­ing the sec­ond half of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, you’ll be famil­iar with the seal of the Comics Code Creator­i­ty. I remem­ber see­ing it stamped onto the upper-right cor­ner of problems with titles from The Amaz­ing Spi­der-Man to reprints of Carl Barks’ Scrooge McDuck sto­ries to Jug­head Dou­ble…