Actor Steve Carell Is Paying for Wildfire Victims’ Promenade Tickets

Within the shadow of the latest wildfires that ravaged Altadena, California, leaving the group to grapple with find out how to rebuild their lives, an surprising beacon of pleasure has emerged at six native excessive colleges. Actor Steve Carell, finest recognized for his time on the American sitcom The Workplace, filmed himself on Instagram making…

See Albert Camus’ Historic Lecture, “The Human Disaster,” Carried out by Actor Viggo Mortensen

Again in 2016, New York Metropolis staged a month-long fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ing Albert Camus’ his­toric vis­it to NYC in 1946. One occasion within the fes­ti­val fea­tured actor Vig­go Mortensen giv­ing a learn­ing of Camus’ lec­ture,“La Crise de l’homme” (“The Human Cri­sis”) at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty–the exact same place the place Camus deliv­ered the lec­ture 70 years earlier–all the way down to…