How the Historical Greeks & Romans Made Lovely Purple Dye from Snail Glands

A lot has been writ­ten about the lack of col­or within the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry. Our envi­ron­ments supplied prac­ti­cal­ly each col­or identified to man not so very way back — and in cer­tain eras, grant­ed, it obtained to be a bit a lot. However now, each­factor appears to have retreat­ed to a nar­row palette of grays…

The Roads of Historical Rome Visualized within the Type of Fashionable Subway Maps

Sasha Tru­wager­skoy, for­mer­ly an beneath­grad at U. Chica­go, has cre­at­ed a “sub­way-style dia­gram of the key Roman roads, primarily based on the Empire of ca. 125 AD.” Draw­ing on Stanford’s ORBIS mod­el, The Pela­gios Mission, and the Anto­9 Itin­er­ary, Tru­wager­skoy’s map com­bines well-known his­toric roads, just like the Through Appia, with much less­er-known ones (in somes cas­es…