Oklahoma Superintendent’s Bible Mandate Sparks Controversy

On Wednesday, the Oklahoma state superintendent, Ryan Walters, issued a directive that has brought on a stir in public colleges throughout the state. Walters mandated that the Bible be built-in into the curriculum, emphasizing its historic, literary, and cultural significance. The superintendent’s Bible mandate comes with detailed tips on how the Bible ought to be…

Behold Gustave Doré’s Dramatic Illustrations of the Bible (1866)

One occa­sion­al­ly hears it stated that, due to the inter­internet, all of the books tru­ly value learn­ing are free: Shake­speare, Don Quixote, the sto­ries of Edgar Allan Poe, the Divine Com­e­dy, the Bible. Can it’s a coin­ci­dence that every one of those works impressed illus­tra­tions by Gus­tave Doré? When he was lively in mid-nine­teenth-cen­tu­ry France,…

Behold the Codex Gigas (aka “Satan’s Bible”), the Largest Medieval Manuscript within the World

Bar­achieve with the dev­il and it’s possible you’ll wind up with a gold­en fid­dle, tremendous­nat­ur­al gui­tar-play­ing ability, or a room stuffed with gleam­ing alchem­ized straw. Whoops, we mis­at­trib­uted that final one. It’s actu­al­ly Rumpel­stilt­pores and skin’s doing, however the by-morn­ing-or-else lifeless­line that dri­ves the Broth­ers Grimm favourite is just not dis­sim­i­lar to the ulti­ma­tum posed…