Behold a Digital Restoration of 655 Plates of Roses & Lilies by Pierre-Joseph Redouté: The Biggest Botanical Illustrator of All Time

Pierre-Joseph Purple­outé made his identify by paint­ing circulation­ers, an obtain­ment impos­si­ble with­out a metic­u­lous­ness that exceeds all bounds of nor­mal­i­ty. He pub­lished his three-vol­ume col­lec­tion Les Ros­es and his eight-vol­ume col­lec­tion Les Lil­i­acées between 1802 and 1824, and a look at their pages immediately vivid­ly sug­gests the painstak­ing nature of each his course of for not simply…

The “Nonsense” Botanical Illustrations of Victorian Artist-Poet Edward Lear (1871–77)

Because the Vic­to­ri­an period, Edward Lear’s “The Owl and the Pussy-Cat” has been, for gen­er­a­tion upon gen­er­a­tion within the Eng­lish-speak­ing world, the sort of poem that one sim­ply is aware of, whether or not one remem­bers actu­al­ly hav­ing learn it or not. As with most such works that seep so per­ma­nent­ly into the cul­ture, it…