David Bowie Songs Reimagined as Pulp Fiction E-book Covers: Area Oddity, Heroes, Life on Mars & Extra

Within the final yr, display screen­author Todd Alcott’s hob­by has blown up right into a legit facet profession. This Etsy promote­er isn’t ped­dling kom­bucha SCOBYs, let­ter press­ing new child announce­ments, or repur­pos­ing previous barns to be used as lower­ting boards. No, Alcott’s artful for­tunes fall sq.­ly at the inter­sec­tion of pulp fic­tion and rock and…

David Bowie Predicts the Good & Unhealthy of the Web in 1999: “We’re on the Cusp of One thing Exhilarating and Terrifying”

“We’re on the cusp of some­factor exhil­a­rat­ing and ter­ri­fy­ing.” The yr is 1999 and David Bowie, in shag­gy hair and groovy glass­es, has seen the long run and it’s the Inter­internet. On this quick however fas­ci­nat­ing inter­view with BBC’s stal­wart and with­er­ing inter­roga­tor cum inter­view­er Jere­my Pax­man, Bowie provides a fore­solid of the a long…