Why Are the Names of British Cities & Cities So Exhausting to Pronounce?: A Humorous However Informative Primer

After they make their first transocean­ic voy­age, various Amer­i­cans select to go to Eng­land, on the assump­tion that, what­ev­er cul­ture shock they may expe­ri­ence, no less than not one of the dif­fi­cul­ties might be lin­guis­tic. Solely when it’s too late do they dis­cov­er the true imply­ing of the previous line about being sep­a­rat­ed by a…

Radio Caroline, the Pirate Radio Ship That Rocked the British Music World (1965)

Nowa­days musi­cians can attain hun­dreds, thou­sands, some­instances mil­lions of lis­ten­ers with just a few, usu­al­ly free, on-line ser­vices and a min­i­mal grasp of tech­nol­o­gy. That’s to not say there aren’t nonetheless eco­nom­ic bar­ri­ers aplen­ty for the strug­gling artist, however true inde­pen­dence just isn’t an impos­si­ble prospect. Within the Fifties and 60s, on the oth­er hand,…

A Shut Have a look at Beowulf-Period Helmets & Swords, Courtesy of the British Museum

Even when a stu­dent assigned Beowulf is, at first, dis­mayed by its lan­guage, that very same stu­dent could be cap­ti­vat­ed by its set­ting. Whereas that fable­i­cal however some­how each glo­ri­ous­ly and dankly actual­is­tic realm of kings and drag­ons, mead halls and bathroom mon­sters could really feel famil­iar to fan­ta­sy enthu­si­asts, it’s additionally unusual on a…