Historian Solutions Burning Questions About The Renaissance

Cour­tesy of Wired, his­to­ri­an Alexan­der Bevilac­qua (Williams Col­lege) solutions the inter­web’s burn­ing ques­tions concerning the cul­tur­al rebirth that got here to be referred to as The Renais­sance. In 30+ min­utes, Bevilac­qua cov­ers an array of ques­tions, includ­ing: When did The Renais­sance start? What precise­ly was the Renais­sance? Why do paint­ings just like the Mona Lisa…

The Anxious Technology and Burning Down the Home

The Anxious Technology and Burning Down the Home

In his bestselling guide The Anxious Technology, Jonathan Haidt’s central declare is that “overprotection in the true world and underproduction within the digital world . . . are the foremost explanation why kids born after 1995 turned the anxious technology.” We have actually all seen it within the kids we work with. We have all nervous concerning the…