When William S. Burroughs Appeared on Saturday Evening Dwell: His First TV Look (1981)

Although he nev­er stated so direct­ly, we would count on that Sit­u­a­tion­ist Man Debord would have includ­ed Sat­ur­day Evening Dwell in what he known as the “Spec­ta­cle”—the mass media pre­sen­ta­tion of a complete­iz­ing actual­i­ty, “the rul­ing order’s non­cease dis­course about itself, its nev­er-end­ing mono­logue of self-praise.” The slick­ness of TV, even dwell com­e­dy TV, masks…

The Junky’s Christmas: William S. Burrough’s Darkish Claymation Christmas Movie Produced by Francis Ford Coppola (1993)

Again in 1993, the Beat author William S. Bur­roughs wrote and nar­rat­ed a 21-minute clay­ma­tion Christ­mas movie odd­ly professional­duced by Fran­cis Ford Cop­po­la. And, as you possibly can effectively imag­ine, it’s not your nor­mal hap­py Christ­mas flick. Nope, this movie – The Junky’s Christ­mas – is all about Dan­ny the Automobile­wiper, a junkie, who spends Christ­mas…

William S. Burroughs’ Scathing “Thanksgiving Prayer,” Shot by Gus Van Sant

“Thanks­giv­ing Day, Nov. 28, 1986” first appeared in print in Tor­na­do Alley, a chap­guide pub­lished by William S. Bur­roughs in 1989. Two years lat­er, Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunt­ing, My Personal Pri­vate Ida­ho, Milk) shot a mon­tage that introduced the poem to movie, mak­ing it at the least the sec­ond time the direc­tor adapt­ed the beat author to…

Hear Edgar Allan Poe’s Horror Tales Learn by Vincent Value, Christopher Lee, James Earl Jones, William S. Burroughs & Others

Right here on Hal­loween of 2024, we’ve a higher vari­ety of scary sto­ries — and arguably, a a lot scari­er vari­ety of scari­er sto­ries — to select from than ever earlier than. However what­ev­er their rel­e­vance to the spe­cif­ic lives we might stay and the spe­cif­ic dreads we might really feel immediately, what number of…