Kate Bush, Annie Lennox and 1,000 Musicians Protest AI with a New Silent Album

The excellent news is that an album has simply been launched by Kate Bush, Annie Lennox, Damon Albarn of Goril­laz, The Conflict, Tori Amos, Hans Zim­mer, Pet Store Boys, Jamiro­quai, and Yusuf (pre­vi­ous­ly often known as Cat Stevens), Bil­ly Ocean, and many oth­er musi­cians moreover, most of them British. The dangerous information is that it…

Hear the Remoted Vocals of Peter Gabriel & Kate Bush in “Don’t Give Up”: The Energy of Perseverance

Simply by probability, might you employ a music about per­se­ver­ance and over­com­ing adver­si­ty? Some­factor to offer you a lit­tle encour­age­ment and reas­sur­ance? Then we sub­mit to you “Don’t Give Up,” fea­tur­ing the iso­lat­ed vocals of Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush. When he launched the music on his 1986 album So, Gabriel informed NME: “The cat­a­lyst…