Assessment of Christopher Hamilton’s “Rapture” (opinion)

Columbia College Press It could spare potential readers of Christopher Hamilton’s ebook Rapture (Columbia College Press) some confusion to pay attention to the topic headings for it in the Library of Congress catalog. The primary, “Rapture (Christian eschatology),” refers to one of many better-known apocalyptic situations, by which the trustworthy are immediately transported to heaven…

Hear Edgar Allan Poe Tales Learn by Iggy Pop, Jeff Buckley, Christopher Walken, Marianne Trustworthy & Extra

In 1849, a lit­tle over 175 years in the past, Edgar Allan Poe was discovered lifeless in a Bal­ti­extra intestine­ter beneath mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances very like­ly relat­ed to vio­lent elec­tion fraud. It was an igno­min­ious finish to a life marked by onerous­ship, alco­holism, and loss. After strug­gling for years as the primary Amer­i­can author to try…