Western New Mexico U regents resign amid controversy

4 of 5 regents are formally out at Western New Mexico College. Photograph illustration by Justin Morrison/Inside Larger Ed | Vectorig/DigitalVision/Getty Pictures Dealing with withering scrutiny from state officers over a pricey exit settlement with outgoing president Joseph Shepard, 4 of Western New Mexico College’s 5 regents have now resigned, the college confirmed Tuesday. State…

When Kris Kristofferson (RIP) Stood by Sinéad O’Connor on the Peak of Her Controversy

One would have imag­ined Sinéad O’Con­nor imper­vi­ous to any reac­tion from a hos­tile audi­ence, no mat­ter how vit­ri­olic. However even for a pub­lic fig­ure as out­spo­ken and unapolo­getic as her, it may all get to be a bit a lot at occasions. Take the 1992 con­cert Colum­bia Information placed on for the thirtieth anniver­sary of…

Oklahoma Superintendent’s Bible Mandate Sparks Controversy

On Wednesday, the Oklahoma state superintendent, Ryan Walters, issued a directive that has brought on a stir in public colleges throughout the state. Walters mandated that the Bible be built-in into the curriculum, emphasizing its historic, literary, and cultural significance. The superintendent’s Bible mandate comes with detailed tips on how the Bible ought to be…