David Bowie Performs an Ethereal Acoustic Model of “Heroes,” with a Bottle Cap Strapped to His Shoe, Protecting the Beat (1996)

Not way back I stum­bled upon this pret­ty received­der­ful video of David Bowie play­ing an acoustic ver­sion of “Heroes,” considered one of my favourite songs, and I believed I’d fast­ly share it at this time. Why wait? Seem­ing at Neil Younger’s annu­al Bridge College Ben­e­match con­cert in Octo­ber 1996, Bowie offers us a stripped-down ver­sion of…

Watch David Byrne Lead a Large Choir in Singing David Bowie’s “Heroes”

By means of­out the years, we’ve fea­tured per­for­mances of Choir!Choir!Choir!–a big ama­teur choir from Toron­to that meets week­ly and sings their hearts out. You’ve seen them sing Prince’s “When Doves Cry,” Soundgar­den’s “Black Gap Solar” (to hon­or Chris Cor­nell) and Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah.” Should you dig by way of their Youtube archive, you can too revis­it per­for­mances…

Hear the Jazz-Funk Musical Adaptation of Dune by David Matthews (1977)

Even in case you’ve nev­er learn Frank Her­bert’s Dune, chances are you’ll properly have encoun­tered its adap­ta­tions to a vari­ety of oth­er media: com­ic books, video video games, board video games, tele­vi­sion collection, and naturally movies, David Lynch’s 1984 ver­sion and Denis Vil­leneu­ve’s two-parter ear­li­er this decade. However earlier than any of these got here…

Warner Bros. Lets You Watch 31 Movies Free On-line: David Byrne’s True Tales, Christopher Visitor’s Ready for Guffman, Michel Gondry’s The Science of Sleep & Extra

It’s Fri­day, which implies that tonight, many people will sit down to look at a film with our fam­i­ly, our associates, our sig­nif­i­cant oth­er, or — for some cinephiles, better of all — by our­selves. In case you haven’t but lined up any home-cin­e­mat­ic expe­ri­ence in par­tic­u­lar, con­sid­er tak­ing a take a look at this…

Watch 950 Climate Studies Offered by David Lynch, Straight from His Los Angeles House

Los Ange­les is difficult­ly a metropolis identified for its var­ied weath­er, but when one lives there lengthy sufficient, one does grow to be excessive­ly attuned to its many sub­tleties. (Grant­ed, a number of the native phe­nom­e­na concerned, just like the noto­ri­ous San­ta Ana winds, can professional­duce far-from-sub­tle results.) The late David Lynch, who spent a…

Why David Lynch’s Dune Went Improper: A Comparability with Denis Villeneuve’s Hit Adaptation

Denis Vil­leneu­ve’s latest movie adap­ta­tion of Dune is gen­er­al­ly con­sid­ered to be supe­ri­or to the late David Lynch’s, from 1984 — although even accord­ing to a lot of Lynch’s followers, it may onerous­ly have been worse. In a 1996 piece for Pre­miere magazine­a­zine, David Fos­ter Wal­lace described Dune as “unques­tion­ably the worst film of Lynch’s…

The Extensive-Ranging Artistic Genius of David Lynch (RIP): Uncover His Movies, Music Movies, Cartoons, Commercials, Work, Pictures & Extra

Picture by Sasha Kar­galt­sev through Wiki­me­dia Com­mons As each cinephile has by now heard, and lament­ed, we’ve simply misplaced an excellent Amer­i­can movie­mak­er. From Eraser­head to Blue Vel­vet to Mul­hol­land Dri­ve to Inland Empire, David Lynch’s fea­tures will certain­ly con­tin­ue to bewil­der and encourage gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tion of aspir­ing younger auteurs. (There appears even to…

Freddie Mercury & David Bowie’s Remoted Vocals for Queen’s “Beneath Stress” (1981)

Within the sum­mer of 1981, the British band Queen was file­ing tracks for his or her tenth stu­dio album, Sizzling House, at Moun­tain Stu­dios in Mon­treux, Switzer­land. Because it hap­pened, David Bowie had sched­uled time on the similar stu­dio to file the title music for the film Cat Peo­ple. Earlier than lengthy, Bowie stopped by…

How Magician David Copperfield Made the Statue of Liberty Disappear (1983)

In April, 1983, 50 mil­lion tele­vi­sion view­ers watched the illu­sion­ist David Cop­per­subject make the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty dis­ap­pear, straight into skinny air. Should you’re north of fifty, you per­haps remem­ber the spec­ta­cle. How did he do it? 40 years lat­er, the YouTube chan­nel Thoughts Blown Magazine­ic Illu­sion demys­ti­fies the large-scale magazine­ic trick, clarify­ing how Cop­per­subject…

David Lynch Releases on YouTube Interview Venture: 121 Tales of Actual America Recorded on a 20,000-Mile Highway Journey

Take a suf­fi­cient­ly lengthy highway journey throughout Amer­i­ca, and also you’re sure to come across some­factor or some­one Lynchi­an. Whether or not or not that concept lay behind Inter­view Venture, the underneath­tak­ing had the endorse­ment of David Lynch him­self. Not coin­ci­den­tal­ly, it was con­ceived by his son Austin, who together with movie­mak­er Jason S. (recognized…

David Bowie’s Modern Mug Shot From His 1976 Marijuana Bust

David Bowie all the time man­aged to look cool, even when he was being booked for a felony. In ear­ly 1976, Bowie was on his “Iso­lar” tour, per­type­ing because the Skinny White Duke, a per­sona he would describe as “a really Aryan fas­cist sort — a would-be roman­tic with no emo­tions in any respect.” Bowie…

David Bowie’s 100 Should Learn Books

Picture by Avro, by way of Wiki­me­dia Com­mons In 2013, the cura­tors of the tour­ing muse­um exhib­it “David Bowie Is” launched an inventory of David Bowie’s 100 favourite reads, professional­vid­ing us with deep­er insights into his lit­er­ary tastes. Cov­er­ing fic­tion and non-fic­tion, the record spans six a long time, mov­ing from Richard Wright’s mem­oir Black…