Carl Sagan Predicts the Decline of America: Unable to Know “What’s True,” We Will Slide, “With out Noticing, Again into Superstition & Darkness” (1995)

Picture by Ken­neth Zirkel, by way of Wiki­me­dia Com­mons There have been many the­o­ries of how human his­to­ry works. Some, like Ger­man thinker G.W.F. Hegel, have considered progress as inevitable. Oth­ers have embraced a extra sta­t­ic view, filled with “Nice Males” and an immutable nat­ur­al order. Then we have now the counter-Enlight­en­ment thinker Giambat­tista Vico. The 18th…

Orson Welles Narrates an Animated Parable About How Xenophobia & Greed Will Put America Into Decline (1971)

Greater than 50 years and 10 pres­i­den­tial admin­is­tra­tions have handed since Orson Welles nar­rat­ed Free­dom Riv­er. And whereas it exhibits indicators of age, the ani­mat­ed movie, a para­ble in regards to the position of immi­gra­tion, race, and wealth in Amer­i­ca, nonetheless res­onates as we speak. Actu­al­ly, giv­en the cyn­i­cal exploita­tion of xeno­pho­bia dur­ing this most…

Making sense of MIT’s range decline (opinion)

Wangkun Jia/iStock/Getty Photographs The Massachusetts Institute of Expertise Admissions Workplace lately launched the profile for its incoming Class of 2028. The announcement garnered nationwide protection in publications together with The New York Occasions, seen as a primary glimpse into how summer season 2023’s Supreme Court docket resolution on race-conscious admission has impacted range at elite…