How Olivetti Designed the First Private Pc in Historical past, the Programma 101 (1965)

In the event you have been to return throughout an Olivet­ti Professional­gram­ma 101, you prob­a­bly would­n’t rec­og­nize it as a com­put­er. With its 36 keys and its paper-strip print­er, it’d strike you as some sort of over­sized including machine, albeit an unusu­al­ly hand­some one. However then, you’d anticipate that qual­i­ty from Olivet­ti, a com­pa­ny finest…

Nick Cave Narrates an Animated Movie in regards to the Cat Piano, the Twisted 18th Century Musical Instrument Designed to Deal with Psychological Sickness

What do you imag­ine if you hear the phrase “cat piano”? Some sort of whim­si­cal fur­ry beast with black and white keys for enamel, perhaps? A rel­a­tive of My Neigh­bor Totoro’s cat bus? Or perhaps you pic­ture a piano that con­tains sev­er­al caged cats who shriek alongside a whole scale when keys are pressed that slam sharp­ened…