Puppets of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Charles Dickens & Edgar Allan Poe Star in 1957 Frank Capra Academic Movie

Professional­duced between 1956 and 1964 by AT&T, the Bell Tele­cellphone Sci­ence Hour TV spe­cials antic­i­pate the lit­er­ary zani­ness of The Mup­pet Present and the sci­en­tif­ic enthu­si­asm of Cos­mos. The “ship of the imag­i­na­tion” in Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s Cos­mos reboot could in reality owe some­factor to the episode above, certainly one of 9, direct­ed by none oth­er than It’s A…

An Illustrator Creates a Kindle for Charles Dickens, Putting 40 Miniature Classics inside a Massive Transportable Guide

For a design class undertaking, Rachel Walsh, a stu­dent at Cardiff College of Artwork and Design, got down to clarify the con­cept of a Kin­dle to Charles Dick­ens. Rec­og­niz­ing that Dick­ens, a Nineteenth-cen­tu­ry creator, wouldn’t beneath­stand mod­ern phrases like ebooks, down­masses or the inter­internet, she decid­ed to take a metaphor­i­cal strategy. She craft­ed a “guide…

Discover an On-line Archive of two,100+ Uncommon Illustrations from Charles Dickens’ Novels

As Christ­mas­time strategy­es, few nov­el­ists come to thoughts as learn­i­ly as Charles Dick­ens. This owes predominant­ly, in fact, to A Christ­mas Automotive­ol, and much more so to its many adap­ta­tions, most of which draw inspi­ra­tion from not simply its textual content but additionally its illus­tra­tions. That 1843 novel­la was simply the primary of 5 books…

Watch the Earliest-Recognized Charles Dickens Movie: The Dying of Poor Joe

A lit­tle over a decade in the past, a cura­tor on the British Movie Insti­tute (BFI) dis­cov­ered the outdated­est sur­viv­ing movie fea­tur­ing a Charles Dick­ens char­ac­ter, “The Dying of Poor Joe.” The silent movie, direct­ed by George Albert Smith in 1900, brings to life Dick­ens’ char­ac­ter Jo, the cross­ing sweep­er from Bleak Home. Pri­or to…