The Story of How Quentin Tarantino Grew to become a Filmmaker and Created Pulp Fiction, as Instructed by Quentin Tarantino

For a movie, defined a younger Quentin Taran­ti­no in a single inter­view, “the true check of time isn’t the Fri­day that it opens. It’s how the movie is considered thir­ty years from now.” It simply so hap­pens that Pulp Fic­tion, which made Taran­ti­no essentially the most cel­e­brat­ed direc­tor in Amer­i­ca prac­ti­cal­ly on its open­ing day,…

Free: 356 Problems with Galaxy, the Groundbreaking Nineteen Fifties Science Fiction Journal

Together with Astound­ing Sci­ence Fic­tion and The Magazine­a­zine of Fan­ta­sy and Sci­ence Fic­tion, Galaxy Magazine­a­zine was one of the impor­tant sci­ence fic­tion digests in Nineteen Fifties Amer­i­ca. Ray Brad­bury wrote for it–together with an ear­ly ver­sion of his mas­ter­piece Fahren­heit 451–as did Robert A. Hein­lein, Isaac Asi­mov, Fred­erik Pohl, Theodore Stur­geon, Twine­wain­er Smith, Jack Vance,…

David Bowie Songs Reimagined as Pulp Fiction E-book Covers: Area Oddity, Heroes, Life on Mars & Extra

Within the final yr, display screen­author Todd Alcott’s hob­by has blown up right into a legit facet profession. This Etsy promote­er isn’t ped­dling kom­bucha SCOBYs, let­ter press­ing new child announce­ments, or repur­pos­ing previous barns to be used as lower­ting boards. No, Alcott’s artful for­tunes fall sq.­ly at the inter­sec­tion of pulp fic­tion and rock and…

Enter a Big Archive of Wonderful Tales, the World’s First Science Fiction Journal, Launched in 1926

If you happen to haven’t heard of Hugo Gerns­again, you’ve certain­ly heard of the Hugo Award. Subsequent to the Neb­u­la, it’s probably the most pres­ti­gious of sci­ence fic­tion prizes, convey­ing togeth­er in its ranks of win­ners such ven­er­a­ble authors as Ursu­la Okay. Le Guin, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Hein­lein, Neil Gaiman, Isaac Asi­mov, and nearly…