Carl Jung’s Hand-Drawn, Not often-Seen Manuscript The Purple E book

Regardless of his one-time good friend and males­tor Sig­mund Freud’s enor­mous affect on West­ern self-under­stand­ing, I’d argue it’s Carl Jung who remains to be most with us in our com­mu­nal prac­tices: from his deal with intro­ver­sion and extro­ver­sion to his view of syn­cret­ic, intu­itive types of spir­i­tu­al­i­ty and his indi­rect influ­ence on 12-Step professional­grams. However Jung’s jour­ney…

Jack Kerouac’s Hand-Drawn Cowl for On the Street (1952)

This falls below the cat­e­go­ry, “If you need it performed proper, it’s a must to do it your­self.” In 1950, when Jack Ker­ouac launched his first nov­el, The City and the Metropolis, he was lower than impressed by the guide cov­er professional­duced by his pub­lish­er, Har­courtroom Brace. (Click on right here to see why.) So, in 1952, when…