Watch Patti Smith Learn from Virginia Woolf, and Hear the Solely Surviving Recording of Woolf’s Voice

Within the video above, poet, artist, Nation­al Ebook Award win­ner, and “god­moth­er of punk” Pat­ti Smith reads a selec­tion from Vir­ginia Woolf’s 1931 exper­i­males­tal nov­el The Waves, accom­pa­nied on piano and gui­tar by her daugh­ter Jesse and son Jack­son. The “learn­ing” marked the open­ing of “Land 250,” a 2008 exhi­bi­tion of Smith’s pho­tog­ra­phy and artwork­work…

Hear Edgar Allan Poe Tales Learn by Iggy Pop, Jeff Buckley, Christopher Walken, Marianne Trustworthy & Extra

In 1849, a lit­tle over 175 years in the past, Edgar Allan Poe was discovered lifeless in a Bal­ti­extra intestine­ter beneath mys­te­ri­ous cir­cum­stances very like­ly relat­ed to vio­lent elec­tion fraud. It was an igno­min­ious finish to a life marked by onerous­ship, alco­holism, and loss. After strug­gling for years as the primary Amer­i­can author to try…