President Carter helped save and modernize HBCUs (opinion)

Lacking from the continued discussions concerning President Jimmy Carter’s legacy following his Dec. 29 passing are the previous Democratic president’s essential efforts to avoid wasting and modernize traditionally Black faculties and universities. The survival and subsequent growth of HBCUs represents a significant achievement inside Carter’s advanced presidential report, which is eternally marred by his resounding defeat…

How a Regular Provide of Espresso Helped the Union Win the U.S. Civil Conflict

Amer­i­cans doing “e‑mail jobs” and work­ing within the “lap­prime class” are inclined to make a lot of the quan­ti­ty of cof­price they require to maintain going, and even to get begin­ed. In that sense alone, they’ve some­factor in com­mon with Civ­il Conflict sol­diers. “Union sol­diers have been giv­en 36 kilos of cof­price a 12 months…