David Bowie Performs an Ethereal Acoustic Model of “Heroes,” with a Bottle Cap Strapped to His Shoe, Protecting the Beat (1996)

Not way back I stum­bled upon this pret­ty received­der­ful video of David Bowie play­ing an acoustic ver­sion of “Heroes,” considered one of my favourite songs, and I believed I’d fast­ly share it at this time. Why wait? Seem­ing at Neil Younger’s annu­al Bridge College Ben­e­match con­cert in Octo­ber 1996, Bowie offers us a stripped-down ver­sion of…

Watch David Byrne Lead a Large Choir in Singing David Bowie’s “Heroes”

By means of­out the years, we’ve fea­tured per­for­mances of Choir!Choir!Choir!–a big ama­teur choir from Toron­to that meets week­ly and sings their hearts out. You’ve seen them sing Prince’s “When Doves Cry,” Soundgar­den’s “Black Gap Solar” (to hon­or Chris Cor­nell) and Leonard Cohen’s “Hal­lelu­jah.” Should you dig by way of their Youtube archive, you can too revis­it per­for­mances…

David Bowie Songs Reimagined as Pulp Fiction E-book Covers: Area Oddity, Heroes, Life on Mars & Extra

Within the final yr, display screen­author Todd Alcott’s hob­by has blown up right into a legit facet profession. This Etsy promote­er isn’t ped­dling kom­bucha SCOBYs, let­ter press­ing new child announce­ments, or repur­pos­ing previous barns to be used as lower­ting boards. No, Alcott’s artful for­tunes fall sq.­ly at the inter­sec­tion of pulp fic­tion and rock and…