Historian Solutions Burning Questions About The Renaissance

Cour­tesy of Wired, his­to­ri­an Alexan­der Bevilac­qua (Williams Col­lege) solutions the inter­web’s burn­ing ques­tions concerning the cul­tur­al rebirth that got here to be referred to as The Renais­sance. In 30+ min­utes, Bevilac­qua cov­ers an array of ques­tions, includ­ing: When did The Renais­sance start? What precise­ly was the Renais­sance? Why do paint­ings just like the Mona Lisa…

The Best Shot in Tv: Science Historian James Burke Had One Likelihood to Nail This Scene … and Nailed It

The 80-sec­ond clip above cap­tures a rock­et launch, some­factor of which we’ve all seen footage at one time or anoth­er. What makes its view­ers name it “the nice­est shot in tele­vi­sion” nonetheless immediately, 45 years after it first aired, could take multiple view­ing to note. In it, sci­ence his­to­ri­an James Burke speaks about how “cer­tain…

From Artwork Historian to Full-Stack Developer in 1.5 Years

Studying to code so to land a job in tech can really feel daunting. That’s why we’re sharing inspiring tales from Codecademy’s neighborhood — to indicate how individuals such as you (sure, you!) can embark on a studying journey and find yourself with a very new profession. We hope these tales function a reminder that…