See Albert Camus’ Historic Lecture, “The Human Disaster,” Carried out by Actor Viggo Mortensen

Again in 2016, New York Metropolis staged a month-long fes­ti­val cel­e­brat­ing Albert Camus’ his­toric vis­it to NYC in 1946. One occasion within the fes­ti­val fea­tured actor Vig­go Mortensen giv­ing a learn­ing of Camus’ lec­ture,“La Crise de l’homme” (“The Human Cri­sis”) at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty–the exact same place the place Camus deliv­ered the lec­ture 70 years earlier–all the way down to…

Harvard Removes the Human Pores and skin Binding from a Ebook in Its Assortment Since 1934

In June of 2014, Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty’s Houghton Library put up a weblog publish titled “Caveat Lecter,” announc­ing “excellent news for followers of anthro­po­der­mic bib­liop­e­gy, bib­lio­ma­ni­acs, and may­ni­bals alike.” The occa­sion was the sci­en­tif­ic deter­mi­na­tion {that a} guide within the Houghton’s col­lec­tion lengthy rumored to have been sure in human pores and skin — the duty…

Babri Masjid Afterlives on Human Rights Day – International Research Weblog

Coinciding with Human Rights Day 2022, a two day digital convention came about December 9-10, 2022 on the subject “Afterlives of Babri Masjid: Thirty Years Later. For contextual background on the Babri Masjid, see within the library catalog topics: “Babari Masjid (Faizabad, India)“ and “Communalism India Faizabad.”  For consultant publications of the convention audio system, see: -Ahmad,…