The Ingenious Engineering of Leonardo da Vinci’s Self-Supporting Bridge, Defined

The video above from Sabins Civ­il Engi­neer­ing promis­es to disclose “the MAGIC behind Da Vinci’s Self Sup­port­ing Bridge.” That seems like a typ­i­cal examination­ple of YouTube hyper­bole, although on first look, it isn’t in any respect obvi­ous how the frag­ile-look­ing struc­ture can keep up, a lot much less sup­port the load of a cross­ing military….

The Steampunk Clocks of Nineteenth-Century Paris: Uncover the Ingenious System That Revolutionized Timekeeping within the Eighties

A mid­dle-class Parisian liv­ing across the flip of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry must bud­get for ser­vices like not simply water or fuel, but additionally time. Although elec­tric clocks had been demon­strat­ed, they had been nonetheless a high-tech rar­i­ty; putting in one within the residence would have been com­plete­ly out of the ques­tion. If you would like­ed…