Soviet Inventor Léon Theremin Reveals Off the Theremin, the Early Digital Instrument That Might Be Performed With out Being Touched (1954)

You recognize the sound of the theremin, that bizarre, conflict­bly whine that sig­nals mys­tery, dan­ger, and oth­er­world­ly por­tent in lots of clas­sic sci-fi movies. It has the dis­tinc­tion of being not solely the very first elec­tron­ic instru­ment but in addition the one instru­ment in his­to­ry one performs with­out ever contact­ing any a part of it. As…

The World’s First Medieval Digital Instrument: The EP-1320 Lets You Play the Sounds of Hurdy-Gurdies, Lutes, Gregorian Chants & Extra

Right now of the 12 months, the Swedish island of Received­land places on Medeltidsveck­an, or “Medieval Week,” the coun­strive’s largest his­tor­i­cal fes­ti­val. Accord­ing to its offi­cial About web page, it provides its vis­i­tors the prospect to “watch knights on horse­again, drink some­factor chilly, take a craft­ing course, prac­tice archery, lis­ten to a con­cert or pic­nic…

Nick Cave Narrates an Animated Movie in regards to the Cat Piano, the Twisted 18th Century Musical Instrument Designed to Deal with Psychological Sickness

What do you imag­ine if you hear the phrase “cat piano”? Some sort of whim­si­cal fur­ry beast with black and white keys for enamel, perhaps? A rel­a­tive of My Neigh­bor Totoro’s cat bus? Or perhaps you pic­ture a piano that con­tains sev­er­al caged cats who shriek alongside a whole scale when keys are pressed that slam sharp­ened…