Deal of the Day: Save on Liberty Mutual Automotive Insurance coverage

We doubt you get pleasure from buying round for automobile insurance coverage—not when you have got papers to grade, classes to plan, and loads of others duties that require your consideration. (You in all probability have any variety of belongings you would desire to be doing, too.) Nonetheless, in the case of looking for one…

How Magician David Copperfield Made the Statue of Liberty Disappear (1983)

In April, 1983, 50 mil­lion tele­vi­sion view­ers watched the illu­sion­ist David Cop­per­subject make the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty dis­ap­pear, straight into skinny air. Should you’re north of fifty, you per­haps remem­ber the spec­ta­cle. How did he do it? 40 years lat­er, the YouTube chan­nel Thoughts Blown Magazine­ic Illu­sion demys­ti­fies the large-scale magazine­ic trick, clarify­ing how Cop­per­subject…