Martin Scorsese Performs Vincent Van Gogh in a Quick, Surreal Movie by Akira Kurosawa

The thought of the auteur direc­tor has been a con­tro­ver­sial one at occasions giv­en the sheer num­ber of peo­ple required at each stage to professional­duce a movie. Nevertheless it hangs togeth­er for me whenever you have a look at the movies of say, Mar­tin Scors­ese or Aki­ra Kuro­sawa, each direc­tors with very dis­tinc­tive visu­al lan­guages…

Martin Mull (RIP) Satirically Interviews a Younger Tom Waits on Fernwood 2 Evening (1977)

Martin Mull (RIP) Satirically Interviews a Younger Tom Waits on Fernwood 2 Evening (1977)

As of late, ref­er­ences to sev­en­ties tele­vi­sion increas­ing­ly require prefa­to­ry expla­na­tion. Who beneath the age of 60 recollects, for examination­ple, the cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­non that was Mary Hart­man, Mary Hart­man, an absur­dist satire so religion­ful to the soap-opera type it par­o­died that it aired each week­night time, placing out 325 episodes between ear­ly 1976 and mid-1977?…