Medievalist Professor Solutions Medieval Questions From Twitter: Why Is It known as the “Center” Ages?, What Did Medieval English Sound Like?, and Extra

From Wired comes this: “Professional­fes­sor of Eng­lish and Medieval Lit­er­a­ture Dr. Dorsey Arm­robust solutions your ques­tions in regards to the Mid­dle Ages from Twit­ter. Why is it known as the “Mid­dle” Ages? [What did medieval Eng­lish sound like?] What activ­i­ties did peo­ple do for enjoyable? Why had been ani­mals tried in court docket for crimes?…

Behold the Codex Gigas (aka “Satan’s Bible”), the Largest Medieval Manuscript within the World

Bar­achieve with the dev­il and it’s possible you’ll wind up with a gold­en fid­dle, tremendous­nat­ur­al gui­tar-play­ing ability, or a room stuffed with gleam­ing alchem­ized straw. Whoops, we mis­at­trib­uted that final one. It’s actu­al­ly Rumpel­stilt­pores and skin’s doing, however the by-morn­ing-or-else lifeless­line that dri­ves the Broth­ers Grimm favourite is just not dis­sim­i­lar to the ulti­ma­tum posed…