There’s a brand new (il)literacy fable

To the editor: In “How A lot Do College students Actually Learn?” (Sept. 25, 2024), Inside Larger Ed reporter Johanna Alonso repeats claims which might be inaccurate, damaging and demeaning to college students. “College students are turning to YouTube, podcasts and ChatGPT-crafted summaries moderately than really studying their assignments for courses. Professors are uncertain how one can…

Roger Federer’s Dartmouth Graduation Deal with: “Easy Is a Fantasy” & Different Life Classes from Tennis

In 2006, David Fos­ter Wal­lace pub­lished a chunk within the New York Occasions Magazine­a­zine head­lined “Roger Fed­er­er as Reli­gious Expe­ri­ence.” Even then, he may declare Fed­er­er, “at 25, the most effective ten­nis play­er cur­hire­ly alive. Perhaps the most effective ever.” A lot had already been writ­ten about “his old-school sto­icism and males­tal robust­ness and good…