Flannery O’Connor: Buddies Do not Let Buddies Learn Ayn Rand

In a let­ter dat­ed Might 31, 1960, Flan­nery O’Con­nor, the writer greatest identified for her clas­sic sto­ry, “A Good Man is Arduous to Discover” (lis­ten to her learn the sto­ry right here) penned a let­ter to her good friend, the play­wright Mary­at Lee. It begins fairly abrupt­ly, like­ly as a result of it’s reply­ing to…

When Kris Kristofferson (RIP) Stood by Sinéad O’Connor on the Peak of Her Controversy

One would have imag­ined Sinéad O’Con­nor imper­vi­ous to any reac­tion from a hos­tile audi­ence, no mat­ter how vit­ri­olic. However even for a pub­lic fig­ure as out­spo­ken and unapolo­getic as her, it may all get to be a bit a lot at occasions. Take the 1992 con­cert Colum­bia Information placed on for the thirtieth anniver­sary of…