Tracing English Again to Its Oldest Recognized Ancestor: An Introduction to Proto-Indo-European

Peo­ple below­stand evo­lu­tion in all types of dif­fer­ent methods. We’ve all heard a vari­ety of people expla­na­tions of that all-impor­tant phe­nom­e­non, from “sur­vival of the fittest” to “people come from mon­keys,” that run the spec­trum from broad­ly cor­rect to unhealthy­ly man­gled. One much less usually heard however extra ele­gant method to put it’s that every…

Behold the Oldest Written Textual content within the World: The Kish Pill, Circa 3500 BC

Picture by José-Manuel Ben­i­to, through Wiki­me­dia Com­mons Some check with the writ­ten Chi­nese lan­guage as ideo­graph­ic: that’s, struc­tured accord­ing to a sys­tem wherein every sym­bol rep­re­sents a par­tic­u­lar concept or con­cept, whether or not summary or con­crete. That’s true of cer­tain Chi­nese char­ac­ters, however solely a small minor­i­ty. Most of them are actu­al­ly logographs, every…

How the Oldest Firm within the World, Japan’s Temple-Builder Kongō Gumi, Has Survived Almost 1,500 Years

Picture from New York Pub­lic Library, by way of Wiki­me­dia Com­mons When you vis­it Osa­ka, you’ll be urged to see two outdated construct­ings in par­tic­u­lar: Osa­ka Cas­tle and Shiten­nō-ji (above), Japan’s first Bud­dhist tem­ple. In behold­ing each, you’ll behold the work of con­struc­tion agency Kongō Gumi (金剛組), the outdated­est con­tin­u­ous­ly run com­pa­ny on the planet….

An Introduction to The Babylonian Map of the World–the Oldest Identified Map of the World

Tak­ing a primary look at the Child­lon­ian Map of the World, few of us might rec­og­nize it for what it’s. However then once more, few of us are any­factor just like the British Muse­um Mid­dle East depart­ment cura­tor Irv­ing Finkel, whose huge knowl­edge (and abil­i­ty to share it com­pelling­ly) have made him a view­er favourite…