In 1894, A French Author Predicted the Finish of Books & the Rise of Transportable Audiobooks and Podcasts

The tip of the 9­teenth cen­tu­ry remains to be large­ly known as the fin de siè­cle, a French time period that evokes nice, loom­ing cul­tur­al, social, and tech­no­log­i­cal modifications. Accord­ing to not less than one French thoughts energetic on the time, amongst these modifications could be a fin des livres as human­i­ty then knew them….

An Illustrator Creates a Kindle for Charles Dickens, Putting 40 Miniature Classics inside a Massive Transportable Guide

For a design class undertaking, Rachel Walsh, a stu­dent at Cardiff College of Artwork and Design, got down to clarify the con­cept of a Kin­dle to Charles Dick­ens. Rec­og­niz­ing that Dick­ens, a Nineteenth-cen­tu­ry creator, wouldn’t beneath­stand mod­ern phrases like ebooks, down­masses or the inter­internet, she decid­ed to take a metaphor­i­cal strategy. She craft­ed a “guide…