Stephen Fry Explains Why Synthetic Intelligence Has a “70% Danger of Killing Us All”

Aside from his comedic, dra­mat­ic, and lit­er­ary endeav­ors, Stephen Fry is broad­ly recognized for his avowed technophil­ia. He as soon as wrote a col­umn on that theme, “Dork Discuss,” for the Guardian, in whose inau­gur­al dis­patch he laid out his cre­den­tials by declare­ing to have been the personal­er of solely the sec­ond Mac­in­tosh com­put­er offered…

Some Examples of Kids Assessing their Personal Threat

When these of us within the play-based world consider “dangerous play” we too typically assume solely of the muscle, bones and blood of the playground, typically glamorizing the daredevils we have taught. I do know I’ve typically made the error of noticing the kid who’s climbing just a little “too excessive,” whereas ignoring the day-to-day…