How the Historical Greeks & Romans Made Lovely Purple Dye from Snail Glands

A lot has been writ­ten about the lack of col­or within the twen­ty-first cen­tu­ry. Our envi­ron­ments supplied prac­ti­cal­ly each col­or identified to man not so very way back — and in cer­tain eras, grant­ed, it obtained to be a bit a lot. However now, each­factor appears to have retreat­ed to a nar­row palette of grays…

The Romans Stashed Hallucinogenic Seeds in a Vial Made From an Animal Bone

What’s pop­u­lar within the metrop­o­lis quickly­er or lat­er makes its approach out into the provinces. This phe­nom­e­non has grow to be extra dif­fi­cult to note in recent times, not as a result of it’s slowed down, however as a result of it’s sped approach up, owing to near-instan­ta­neous cul­tur­al dif­fu­sion on the inter­internet. Properly with­in…