A Boy and His Atom: Watch The World’s Smallest Cease-Movement Movie

What you’re watch­ing above isn’t your ordi­nary movie. No, this movie — A Boy and His Atom – holds the Guin­ness World File for being the World’s Small­est Cease-Movement Movie. It’s lit­er­al­ly a film made with atoms, cre­at­ed by IBM nanophysi­cists who’ve “used a scan­ning tun­nel­ing micro­scope to maneuver thou­sands of automobile­bon monox­ide mol­e­cules, all within the pur­swimsuit of…

Watch “The Beginning of the Robotic,” Len Lye’s Surreal 1935 Cease-Movement Animation

Robots appear to have been a lot on the pub­lic thoughts again within the 9­teen-thir­ties. Matt Novak at Pale­o­fu­ture offers the examination­ple of a second in 1932 when “the world was awash in information­pa­per sto­ries a couple of robotic that had carried out the unthink­ready: a mechan­i­cal man had shot its inven­tor.” Regardless of being…