Home GOP tells Biden to not shut antisemitism investigations

A number one congressional Republican desires the Biden administration to chorus from closing any antisemitism investigations within the subsequent week. As an alternative, he urges the outgoing president to depart the circumstances open for the Trump administration to resolve. Consultant Tim Walberg, a Michigan Republican and newly elected chair of the Committee on Training and…

Buckminster Fuller Tells the World “Every part He Is aware of” in a 42-Hour Lecture Sequence (1975)

His­to­ry appears to have set­tled Buck­min­ster Fuller’s rep­u­ta­tion as a person forward of his time. He conjures up brief, wit­ty pop­u­lar movies like YouTu­ber Joe Scott’s “The Man Who Noticed The Future,” and the ongo­ing lega­cy of the Buck­min­ster Fuller Insti­tute (BFI), who observe that “Fuller’s concepts and work con­tin­ue to influ­ence new gen­er­a­tions of…