Tracing English Again to Its Oldest Recognized Ancestor: An Introduction to Proto-Indo-European

Peo­ple below­stand evo­lu­tion in all types of dif­fer­ent methods. We’ve all heard a vari­ety of people expla­na­tions of that all-impor­tant phe­nom­e­non, from “sur­vival of the fittest” to “people come from mon­keys,” that run the spec­trum from broad­ly cor­rect to unhealthy­ly man­gled. One much less usually heard however extra ele­gant method to put it’s that every…

Tracing the roots of anti-university rhetoric (opinion)

Pundits and politicians feign shock at polls that present sharply declining help for larger schooling. The supply of this decline, nonetheless, isn’t mysterious. Over the previous decade, each hyper-partisan and mainstream media have inundated the American public with caustic rhetoric about universities. We’re ceaselessly informed a dystopian story. Radical college students run school campuses via…