David Bowie Performs an Ethereal Acoustic Model of “Heroes,” with a Bottle Cap Strapped to His Shoe, Protecting the Beat (1996)

Not way back I stum­bled upon this pret­ty received­der­ful video of David Bowie play­ing an acoustic ver­sion of “Heroes,” considered one of my favourite songs, and I believed I’d fast­ly share it at this time. Why wait? Seem­ing at Neil Younger’s annu­al Bridge College Ben­e­match con­cert in Octo­ber 1996, Bowie offers us a stripped-down ver­sion of…

The Illustrated Model of “Alice’s Restaurant”: Watch Arlo Guthrie’s Thanksgiving Counterculture Traditional

Alice’s Restau­rant. It’s now a Thanks­giv­ing clas­sic, and a few­factor of a tra­di­tion round right here. File­ed in 1967, the 18+ minute coun­ter­cul­ture track recounts Arlo Guthrie’s actual encounter with the regulation, begin­ing on Thanks­giv­ing Day 1965. Because the lengthy track unfolds, we hear all about how a hip­pie-bat­ing police offi­cer, by the title of William “Obie” Oban­hein, arrest­ed…