Watch a Japanese Artisan Hand-Craft a Cello in 6 Months

Cel­lists unwill­ing to set­tle for any however the best instru­ment should, quickly­er or lat­er, make a pil­grim­age to Cre­mona — or moderately, to the Cre­monas. One is, after all, town in Lom­bardy that was dwelling to numer­ous pio­neer­ing mas­ter luthiers, as much as and includ­ing Anto­nio Stradi­vari. The oth­er, much less­er recognized Cre­mona is a…

Watch Patti Smith Learn from Virginia Woolf, and Hear the Solely Surviving Recording of Woolf’s Voice

Within the video above, poet, artist, Nation­al Ebook Award win­ner, and “god­moth­er of punk” Pat­ti Smith reads a selec­tion from Vir­ginia Woolf’s 1931 exper­i­males­tal nov­el The Waves, accom­pa­nied on piano and gui­tar by her daugh­ter Jesse and son Jack­son. The “learn­ing” marked the open­ing of “Land 250,” a 2008 exhi­bi­tion of Smith’s pho­tog­ra­phy and artwork­work…

Watch the Earliest-Recognized Charles Dickens Movie: The Dying of Poor Joe

A lit­tle over a decade in the past, a cura­tor on the British Movie Insti­tute (BFI) dis­cov­ered the outdated­est sur­viv­ing movie fea­tur­ing a Charles Dick­ens char­ac­ter, “The Dying of Poor Joe.” The silent movie, direct­ed by George Albert Smith in 1900, brings to life Dick­ens’ char­ac­ter Jo, the cross­ing sweep­er from Bleak Home. Pri­or to…