The Experimental Motion That Created The Beatles’ Weirdest Tune, “Revolution 9”

As of this writ­ing, the Bea­t­les’ “Rev­o­lu­tion 9″ has greater than 13,800,000 performs on Spo­ti­fy. This has little question gen­er­at­ed first rate rev­enue, even giv­en the plat­for­m’s oft-lament­ed pay­out charges. However com­pare that num­ber to the greater than half-a-bil­lion streams of “Black­chicken,” additionally on the Bea­t­les’ self-titled 1968 “white album,” and also you get an…

To Reside to Our Fullest, Weirdest, Most Resourceful Potential

“(A)s I gaze across the Hoh Rain Forest I see greater than a soothing wash of inexperienced. I see a masterclass in residing to at least one’s fullest, weirdest, most resourceful potential.” ~Zöe Schlanger In case you’ve been listening to nationwide politics in US these previous couple weeks, the phrase “bizarre” has emerged as a distinguished characteristic…