When William Faulkner Set the World Document for Writing the Longest Sentence in Literature: Learn the 1,288-Phrase Sentence from Absalom, Absalom!

Picture by Carl Van Vecht­en, by way of Wiki­me­dia Com­mons “How did Faulkn­er pull it off?” is a ques­tion many a fledg­ling author has requested them­selves whereas strug­gling by way of a peri­od of appren­tice­ship like that nov­el­ist John Barth describes in his 1999 discuss “My Faulkn­er.” Barth “reorches­trat­ed” his lit­er­ary heroes, he says, “looking for…

When William S. Burroughs Appeared on Saturday Evening Dwell: His First TV Look (1981)

Although he nev­er stated so direct­ly, we would count on that Sit­u­a­tion­ist Man Debord would have includ­ed Sat­ur­day Evening Dwell in what he known as the “Spec­ta­cle”—the mass media pre­sen­ta­tion of a complete­iz­ing actual­i­ty, “the rul­ing order’s non­cease dis­course about itself, its nev­er-end­ing mono­logue of self-praise.” The slick­ness of TV, even dwell com­e­dy TV, masks…

The Junky’s Christmas: William S. Burrough’s Darkish Claymation Christmas Movie Produced by Francis Ford Coppola (1993)

Again in 1993, the Beat author William S. Bur­roughs wrote and nar­rat­ed a 21-minute clay­ma­tion Christ­mas movie odd­ly professional­duced by Fran­cis Ford Cop­po­la. And, as you possibly can effectively imag­ine, it’s not your nor­mal hap­py Christ­mas flick. Nope, this movie – The Junky’s Christ­mas – is all about Dan­ny the Automobile­wiper, a junkie, who spends Christ­mas…

William S. Burroughs’ Scathing “Thanksgiving Prayer,” Shot by Gus Van Sant

“Thanks­giv­ing Day, Nov. 28, 1986” first appeared in print in Tor­na­do Alley, a chap­guide pub­lished by William S. Bur­roughs in 1989. Two years lat­er, Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunt­ing, My Personal Pri­vate Ida­ho, Milk) shot a mon­tage that introduced the poem to movie, mak­ing it at the least the sec­ond time the direc­tor adapt­ed the beat author to…

Hear Edgar Allan Poe’s Horror Tales Learn by Vincent Value, Christopher Lee, James Earl Jones, William S. Burroughs & Others

Right here on Hal­loween of 2024, we’ve a higher vari­ety of scary sto­ries — and arguably, a a lot scari­er vari­ety of scari­er sto­ries — to select from than ever earlier than. However what­ev­er their rel­e­vance to the spe­cif­ic lives we might stay and the spe­cif­ic dreads we might really feel immediately, what number of…

The Radical Inventive & Philosophical World of William Blake: A Brief Introduction

Over time, we’ve fea­tured the work of William Blake truthful­ly usually right here on Open Cul­ture: his personal illu­mi­nat­ed books; his illus­tra­tions for each­factor from the Divine Com­e­dy to Mary Woll­stonecraft’s Orig­i­nal Sto­ries from Actual Life to the Ebook of Job; pairs of Doc Martens made out of his paint­ings Devil Smit­ing Job with Sore Boils and The Home…

5 Information About William Shakespeare and The Globe Theatre

1.1K You’ve learn his performs, seen the productions, and certain quoted him a couple of times — however there’s all the time one thing new to study “The Bard!” As an iconic determine in playwriting and the dramatic arts, we thought it could be enjoyable to go to a couple of distinctive details about William Shakespeare…