The Physician Who Theme Reimagined as a Jacques Brel-esque Jazz Tune


Writ­ten by Ron Grain­er, after which well-known­ly organized and report­ed by Delia Der­byshire in 1963, the Doc­tor Who theme track has been adapt­ed and cov­ered many instances, and even ref­er­enced by Pink Floyd. Within the arms of come­di­an Invoice Bai­ley, the track comes out a lit­tle in another way–a lit­tle like a Bel­gian Jacques Brel-esque jazz cre­ation. This report­ing of “Doc­teur Qui” appar­ent­ly comes from the DVD Invoice Bai­ley’s Comment­in a position Information to the Orches­tra. Take pleasure in…

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Relat­ed Con­tent 

The Fas­ci­nat­ing Sto­ry of How Delia Der­byshire Cre­at­ed the Orig­i­nal Doc­tor Who Theme

Two Doc­u­males­taries Intro­duce Delia Der­byshire, the Pio­neer in Elec­tron­ic Music

How Doc­tor Who First Begin­ed as a Fam­i­ly Edu­ca­tion­al TV Professional­gram (1963)

A Detailed, Observe-by-Observe Analy­sis of the Doc­tor Who Theme Music

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