The pronunciation of letter “ñ” in Spanish (Intermediate Listening Apply)

The pronunciation of letter “ñ” in Spanish generally is a little tough for Spanish learners, particularly if this sound will not be current of their native language. This peculiar letter doesn’t derive from Latin as some may assume. Its origins date again to the twelfth century, when monks used to repeat books by hand within the monasteries. At the moment, as parchment was very costly and scarce, the monks needed to save area in phrases that contained the spelling “nn”, which is frequent in Latin, and selected to write down a easy “n” and add a “virgulilla” on prime as a type of abbreviation.

Apply the pronunciation of this curious letter with the assistance of the next video:



Video transcription and translation


Vamos a practicar con el sonido de la letra “ñ”.

Let’s apply with the sound of the letter “ñ”.



Let’s go!


La “ñ” es un sonido nasal. Esto significa que el aire sale por la nariz.

The “ñ” is a nasal sound. Which means air comes out from the nostril.


Y, atención, la lengua se adhiere al dorso del paladar.

And, consideration, the tongue adheres to the again of the palate.


En otros idiomas como francés, italiano o portugués, corresponde a los sonidos que veis en estas palabras.

In different languages akin to French, Italian or Portuguese, it corresponds to the sounds you see in these phrases.


Y recordad que la “ñ” no es una “n” con una “i”.

And keep in mind that the “ñ” will not be an “n” with an “i”.


Escuchad cómo se diferencian estas palabras: uñón y unión.

Take heed to how these phrases are differentiated: uñón and unión.


Pues, ahora vamos a practicar juntos.

Properly, now let’s apply collectively.


Recordad que la “ñ” aparece normalmente al principio de una sílaba.

Keep in mind that the “ñ” usually seems at first of a syllable.


Pues, teniendo todo esto claro, ¡a practicar!

So, having all this clear, let’s apply!


A continuación, os voy a presentar la “ñ” con las diferentes vocales.

Subsequent, I’m going to introduce you to the “ñ” with the totally different vowels.


Escucha y repite conmigo.

Hear and repeat after me.


Recuerda que puedes parar el vídeo y repetir cuantas veces necesites.

Keep in mind you can cease the video and repeat it as many instances as you want.


Bien, pues, con la “a”:

Properly, then, with the “a”:


Mañana, niña, caña.

Tomorrow, lady, cane.


Con la “e”:

With the “e”:


Muñeca, bañera, niñez.

Doll, bathtub, childhood.


Con la “i”:

With the “i”:


Añil, teñir.

Indigo, to dye.


Con la “o”:

With the “o”:


Año, baño, guiño.

12 months, bathtub, wink.


Con la “u”:

With the “u”:


Pañuelo, castañuela, buñuelo (que es un dulce).

Handkerchief, castanet, fritter (which is a candy).


Bien, pues, si quieres practicar con más palabras, solamente necesitas ir al enlace, al hyperlink, que hay aquí en la explicación del vídeo y encontrarás un reto lleno de palabras con “ñ”.

Properly, if you wish to apply with extra phrases, you simply must go to the hyperlink right here within the rationalization of the video and you can find a problem filled with phrases with “ñ”.


¿Conoces alguna más? Por favor escríbela aquí en comentarios.

Are you aware of any others? Please write it right here in feedback.


Muchas gracias y hasta pronto.

Thanks very a lot and see you quickly.


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