Uncover 175+ Animals in Spanish: From A-Z

Vocabulary is among the most necessary elements of language studying. There are greater than 93,000 Spanish phrases within the Diccionario de la lengua española (Dictionary of the Spanish Language), so the place do you start?  Studying primary animals in Spanish is a enjoyable and accessible technique to begin constructing a powerful basis of vocabulary phrases.

As you backpack by way of the Galapagos Islands or cruise the Amazon River, you’ll need to have interaction in conversations concerning the wildlife you see. Studying Spanish opens the door to genuine experiences wherever your travels take you. 

How do you say “animal” in Spanish? 

Wish to know the best way to be taught Spanish rapidly? Studying cognates is the perfect place to start out. “Animal” in Spanish is animal (pronounced “ah-nee-mahl”), an ideal instance of a Spanish cognate. These similar-looking phrases can assist native English audio system be taught Spanish sooner, as many share a standard root. Elefante (elephant), camello (camel), and tigre (tiger) are different examples. 

Names of mascotas (pets) in Spanish

Pets will be nice dialog starters. Whether or not you’re a proud pet proprietor or just an animal lover, familiarizing your self with the names of pets in Spanish can result in significant conversations. 

Pronunciation is an integral part of language studying, so it’s greatest follow saying the names of pets in Spanish out loud utilizing the pronunciation information offered. Rosetta Stone’s Tru Accent speech recognition engine can assist excellent your Spanish pronunciation, providing you with real-time suggestions on each phrase you say.

el cachorro (m)
la cachorra (f)
the pet
el camaleónkah-mah-leh-ohnthe chameleon
el conejillo de Indias koh-neh-hee-yoh deh een-dyahsthe guinea pig
el erizoeh-ree-sohthe hedgehog
el gato (m)la gata (f)gah-toh
the cat
el gatito (m)la gatita (f)gah-tee-tohgah-tee-tahthe kitten
la salamanquesasah-lah-mahn-kay-sahthe gecko
el hámsterahms-tehrthe hamster
el hurónoo-rohnthe ferret
la iguanaee-gwah-nahthe iguana
el jerbohehr-bohthe gerbil
la lagartijalah-gahr-tee-hahthe lizard
el loro loh-rohthe parrot
el pájaropah-hah-rohthe chicken
el pezpehsthe fish
el periquitopeh-ree-kee-tohthe parakeet
el perro (m)la perra (f)peh-rroh
the canine
la ranarrah-nahthe frog
la serpientesehr-pyehn-tehthe snake
la tortuga tohr-too-gahthe turtle, the tortoise

The right way to speak about your pets in Spanish

The verb tener (to have) is prime for navigating conversations about pets in Spanish. Figuring out the best way to conjugate this frequent Spanish verb permits you to ask concerning the sorts of pets somebody has and share particulars about your furry, feathered, and scaly mates.

Listed here are some instance conversations about pets:

  • ¿Cuántas mascotas tienes? = What number of pets do you may have
  • Tengo dos: un gato y un loro. = I’ve two: a cat and a parrot.
  • ¿Tienes mascotas? = Do you may have any pets?
  • Sí, tengo un cachorro. = Sure, I’ve a pet. 

Animales de la granja (cattle) in Spanish: names and sounds

Livestock are an integral a part of rural communities all through the Spanish-speaking world. Within the following tables, you’ll uncover the most typical cattle in Spanish and the sounds they make!

el burro boo-rrohthe donkey
el caballokah-bah-yohthe horse
la cabrakah-brahthe goat
el cerdosehr-dohthe pig
la gallinagah-yee-nahthe hen, the hen
el gallogah-yohthe rooster
el gansogahn-sohthe goose
la ovejaoh-beh-hahthe sheep
el pavopah-bohthe turkey
el pato pah-tohthe duck
el polluelopoh-yweh-lohthe chick
la vacabah-kahthe cow

Do you know that many cattle play a task in Spanish idioms? Idioms add a vibrant layer to language studying, and realizing them will make it easier to sound extra like an area. For instance, acostarse con las gallinas interprets actually as “to go to mattress with the chickens,” however its precise that means is “to go to mattress early.”

A information to farm animal sounds in Spanish

Animals in Spanish-speaking nations don’t make completely different sounds; nonetheless, Spanish audio system could interpret the sounds in another way. For instance, a canine barking in English is “woof” whereas in Spanish it’s guau. Onomatopoeia supplies a memorable technique to discover the sounds of the Spanish language and strengthen your pronunciation expertise.

AnimalSpanish OnomatopoeiaEnglish Onomatopoeia
henco co cobuck-buck-ba-gock
goosejaunc juanchonk honk
turkeygluglúgobble gobble
duckcua cua quack quack
chickenpío píotweet tweet

Record of animales del zoológico (zoo animals) in Spanish

It’s a ravishing Saturday morning, and your change household has invited you to go to the Madrid Zoo Aquarium. Earlier than you marvel on the majestic leones (lions) or say “hello” to a puercoespín (porcupine), you’ll need to know the names of (zoo animals) in Spanish.

el antílopeahn-tee-loh-pehthe antelope
el caimánkay-mahnthe alligator
el camellokah-meh-yohthe camel
el cangurokahn-goo-rohthe kangaroo
el castorkahs-tohrthe castor
la cebraseh-brahthe zebra
el chimpancécheem-pahn-sehthe chimpanzee
el cocodrilokoh-koh-dree-lohthe crocodile
el elefanteeh-leh-fahn-tehthe elephant
el flamencoflah-mehng-kohthe flamingo
el gorilagoh-ree-lahthe gorilla
el hipopótamoee-poh-poh-tah-mohthe hippopotamus
la jirafahee-rah-fahthe giraffe
el koalakoh-ah-lahthe koala
el lémurleh-moorthe lemur
el leónleh-ohnthe lion
el monomoh-nohthe monkey
la nutrianoo-tryahthe otter
el orangutánoh-rahng-goo-tahnthe orangutan
el ornitorrincoohr-nee-toh-rreeng-kohthe platypus
el osooh-sohthe bear
el pandapahn-dahthe panda
el pavo actualpah-boh rreh-ahlthe peacock
el pingüinopeeng-gwee-nohthe penguin
el rinoceronterree-noh-seh-rohn-tehthe rhinoceros
el tapirtah-peerthe tapir
el tigretee-grehthe tiger

Plurals in Spanish

Simply as some animals journey alone whereas others journey in herds, flocks, and colleges, Spanish animal names are available singular and plural kinds. Mastering plurals will empower you to debate the zoo’s residents with ease.

The excellent news is that Spanish plurals typically comply with a predictable sample. For probably the most half, if the singular noun ends in a vowel, you merely want so as to add “-s” to the tip to make it plural. Word that there are exceptions to this.

Listed here are some examples:

el elefantelos elefantes
el osolos osos 
la jirafalas jirafas

Nevertheless, for the Spanish animals that finish in a consonant, you’ll want so as to add “-es” to make them plural.

el leónlos leones
el castorlos castores
el caimánlos caimanes

Animales del bosque (forest animals) in Spanish

close-up of squirrel on a bench

The forest is an effective habitat for various kinds of animals. Meet the animals that creep, lumber, and soar by way of the woodlands.

el alceahl-sehthe moose
la ardillaahr-dee-yahthe squirrel
el búhoboo-ohthe owl
la comadrejakoh-mah-dreh-hahthe weasel
el halcónahl-kohnthe hawk, the falcon
el loboloh-bohthe wolf
el mapachemah-pah-chehthe raccoon
el murciélagomoor-syeh-lah-gohthe bat
el oso pardooh-soh pahr-dohthe brown bear
el oso negrooh-soh neh-grohthe black bear
el pájaro carpinteropah-hah-roh kahr-peen-teh-rohthe woodpecker
la ratarrah-tahthe rat
el ratónrrah-tohnthe mouse
la salamandrasah-lah-mahn-drahthe salamander
el saposah-pohthe toad
la urracaoo-rrah-kahthe magpie
el venadobeh-nah-dohthe deer
el wómbatwohm-bahtthe wombat
la mofetasoh-rree-yohthe skunk
el zorrosoh-rrohthe fox

The right way to describe animals in Spanish utilizing ser (to be)

Geared up with the data of singular and plural nouns, you’re prepared to start out describing animals utilizing the verb ser together with frequent adjectives.

In Spanish, adjectives should agree with the noun they describe in gender (masculine / female) and quantity (singular / plural).

See the best way to describe just a few woodland creatures in Spanish utilizing ser

  • El murciélago es negro. = The bat is black. 
  • La salamandra es roja. = The salamander is crimson. 
  • Los mapaches son agresivos. = Raccoons are aggressive. 
  • Las ardillas son pequeñas. = Squirrels are small. 

Exploring animales de la sabana (savanna animals) in Spanish

The zoo familiarized you with many iconic savanna inhabitants—cebras rayadas (striped zebras), jirafas altísimas (towering giraffes), and antílopes saltantes (leaping antelope).

Now you possibly can increase in your savanna vocabulary to explain your future safari experiences.

el babuinobah-boo-wee-nohthe baboon
el búfalo de aguaboo-fah-loh deh ah-gwah the water buffalo
el chacalchah-kahlthe jackal
el emúeh-moothe emu
la gallina de Guineagah-yee-nah deh gih-nithe guineafowl
la gacelagah-seh-lahthe gazelle
la hienayeh-nahthe hyena
la hiena manchadayeh-nah mahn-chah-dahthe noticed hyena
el jabalí hah-bah-leethe wild boar
el facóquerofah-koh-keh-rohthe warthog
el lagarto monitorlah-gahr-toh moh-nee-tohrthe monitor lizard
la liebre saltadoralyeh-breh sahl-tah-doh-rahthe springhare
la mamba negramahm-bah neh-grahthe black mamba
la musaraña elefantemoo-sah-rah-nyah eh-leh-fahn-tehthe elephant shrew
el ñandúnyahn-doothe larger rhea
el ñunyoothe wildebeest
el oso hormiguerooh-soh ohr-mee-geh-rohthe anteater
el tejón de la mielteh-hohn deh myehlthe honey badger
el yakyahkthe yak
el zorro orejudosoh-rroh oh-reh-hoo-dohthe bat-eared fox

Did you discover the quick diagonal traces that seem over among the vowels in Spanish? Spanish accent marks immediately have an effect on the pronunciation of animal names in Spanish. Everytime you see an accent mark, that you must add emphasis to the vowel when saying it.

You’ll have additionally seen a squiggly line above the letter n (ñ). That’s, in reality, a letter of the Spanish alphabet. Its sound is just like the “ny” sound in “canyon.”

The right way to describe what an animal is doing with estar (to be)

You’ve packed your binoculars, digital camera, and hat, however there needs to be another important software in your safari package: the Spanish verb estar. This versatile verb is used to say issues like “the gazelle is leaping” or “the emu is consuming.”

Check out some examples:

  • El babuino está comiendo bayas. = The baboon is consuming berries. 
  • Las gacelas están corriendo para evitar que se las coma el león. = The gazelles are working to keep away from being eaten by the lion. 

Names of animales marinos (marine animals) in Spanish

From whale watching in Mexico to swimming with sea turtles in Costa Rica, Spanish-speaking nations are among the greatest locations on this planet to see marine life. Studying these marine animals in Spanish will can help you absolutely immerse your self in these unforgettable experiences.

la ballenabah-yeh-nahthe whale
el caballito de markah-bah-yee-toh deh mahrthe seahorse
el cangrejokahng-greh-hohthe crab
el delfíndehl-feenthe dolphin
la estrella de marehs-treh-yah deh mahrthe starfish
la focafoh-kahthe seal
el frailecillofray-leh-see-yohthe puffin
la langostalahng-gohs-tahthe lobster
el lobo marinoLoh-boh mah-ree-nohthe ocean lion
la mantarrayamahn-tah-rrah-yahthe manta ray
la marsopamahr-soh-pahthe porpoise
la medusameh-doo-sahthe jellyfish
la nutria marinanoo-tryah mah-ree-nahthe ocean otter
el orcaohr-kahthe killer whale
el oso polaroh-soh poh-lahrthe polar bear
la ostraohs-trahthe oyster
el pez payasopehs pah-yah-sohthe clownfish
el pulpopool-pohthe octopus
la raya venenosarrah-yah beh-neh-noh-sahthe stingray
el tiburóntee-boo-rohnthe shark
la tortuga marinatohr-too-gah mah-ree-nahthe ocean turtle

Names of animales del desierto (desert animals) in Spanish

Do you know that the Atacama Desert, situated in Chile, reigns as one of many driest coastal deserts on Earth? Studying desert animals in Spanish can open up conversations concerning the creatures that inhabit the world’s most arid ecosystems.

el águilaah-gee-lahthe eagle
la arañaah-rah-nyahthe spider
el camellokah-meh-yohthe camel
el correcaminoskoh-rreh-kah-mee-nohsthe roadrunner
el cuervokwehr-bohthe raven, the crow
la codornizkoh-dohr-neesthe quail
el dragón barbudodrah-gohn bahr-boo-dohthe bearded dragon
el escorpiónehs-kohr-pyohnthe scorpion
el gato montésgah-toh mohn-tehsthe bobcat
la liebrelyeh-brehthe hare
el monstruo de Gilamohns-trwoh deh hee-lahthe Gila monster
la rata cangurorah-tah kahng-goo-rohthe kangaroo rat
la serpiente de cascabelsehr-pyehn-teh deh kahs-kah-behlthe rattlesnake
la suricatasoo-ree-kah-tahthe meerkat
la tarántula tah-rahn-too-lahthe tarantula

Frequent insectos (bugs) in Spanish

Touring to Spanish-speaking nations usually means encountering fascinating bugs, even when the creepy, crawly company are unwelcome. Have a look at some insect names in Spanish in order that subsequent time you encounter una abeja zumbando (a buzzing bee) or un grillo chirriante (a chirping cricket), you’ll be prepared to speak about it!

la abejaah-beh-hahthe bee
la cucarachakoo-kah-rah-chahthe cockroach
el escarabajoehs-kah-rah-bah-hohthe beetle
el grillogree-yohthe cricket
la hormigaohr-mee-gahthe ant
la libélulalee-beh-loo-lahthe dragonfly
la luciérnagaloo-syehr-nah-gahthe firefly
la mariposamah-ree-poh-sahthe butterfly
la mariquitamah-ree-kee-tahthe ladybug
la moscamohs-kahthe fly
el mosquitomohs-kee-tohthe mosquito
la orugaoh-roo-gahthe caterpillar
el saltamontessahl-tah-mohn-tehsthe grasshopper

Animals of the Spanish-speaking world

two hyacinth macaws in flight

In the event you’re planning a visit to a Spanish-speaking nation, data of the native fauna is important. The Amazon alone, which covers territory throughout 5 Spanish-speaking nations, homes at the very least 10 % of the world’s identified biodiversity

el águila arpía ah-gee-lah ahr-pee-ahharpy eagleAmazon rainforest
la alpacaahl-pah-kuhalpacaAndes 
la anacondaah-nah-kohn-dahanacondatropical South America
el caimán kay-mahncaimantropical Central and South America
el carpinchokahr-peen-chohcapybaratropical Central and South America
la chinchillacheen-chee-yahchinchillaAndes
el guacamayo jacintogwah-kah-mah-yoh hah-seen-tohhyacinth macawtropical South America
el guanacogwah-nah-kohguanacoAndes 
la iguana marinaih-gwa-nuh mah-ree-nahmarine iguanaGalápagos Islands 
el jaguarhah-gwahrjaguarAmazon rainforest
la llamayah-mahllamaAndes 
el lobo de crinloh-boh deh kreenmaned wolfSouth America
el mono arañamoh-noh  ah-rah-nyahspider monkeytropical Central and South America
el mono aulladormoh-noh ow-yah-dohrhowler monkeytropical Central and South America
el mono capuchinomoh-nohcapuchin monkeytropical Central and South America
el oso de anteojosoh-so deh ahn-teh-oh-hohsspectacled bearAndes
el oso hormiguerooh-soh ohr-mee-geh-rohanteatertropical Central and South America
el perezosopeh-reh-soh-sohslothtropical Central and South America
el piquero de patas azulespee-keh-roh deh pah-tahs ah-sool-ehsblue-footed boobyGalapagos Islands 
la pirañapee-rah-nyahpiranhaSouth America
el quetzalkeht-sahlquetzalMexico, Central America
la rana arbórea de ojos rojosrrah-nah ahr-boh-reh-ah deh oh-hohs rroh-hohsred-eyed tree frogtropical Central and South America
la rana dardo venenosorrah-nah beh-neh-noh-sah deh dahr-dohpoison dart frogtropical Central and South America
la tortuga de Galápagostohr-too-gah deh gah-lah-pah-gohsGalapagos tortoiseGalapagos Islands 
el tucántoo-kahntoucantropical Central and South America
la vicuñavih-ku-nyuhvicuñaAndes 

Be taught extra about animals in Spanish with Rosetta Stone 

Studying the names of animals in Spanish shouldn’t be solely enjoyable but in addition an effective way to attach with Spanish audio system who share a love of animals. It’s additionally a helpful talent for touring to Spanish-speaking nations, empowering you to navigate zoos, parks, and thrilling wildlife encounters. 

Animal names in Spanish are simply step one in your language journey—they’re a gateway to exploring various habitats, colours, verbs, meals, and extra. Stay Classes from Rosetta Stone present a simple technique to construct in your data of animal vocabulary in Spanish, strengthening it with context and connections. Actual-time instruction with native audio system retains you engaged, sharpens your pronunciation, and opens doorways to the wealthy cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. 

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