Use These 275 German Nouns and Their Articles Efficiently
Having quite a lot of German nouns available is a foundational step for anybody studying the best way to converse German. German nouns can initially appear a bit difficult to navigate as a result of they arrive with their very own algorithm and buildings, from case endings to gender distinctions. Nonetheless, when you perceive the fundamentals, reminiscent of which articles to make use of and the best way to determine gender, you’ll discover it a lot simpler to kind clear, right sentences. Try the nuances of nouns in German with sensible ideas and over 245 examples!
Introducing gendered German nouns
Gendered nouns is an idea within the German language that doesn’t exist in English. Each German noun from “uncle” to the times of the week in German has been assigned one among three grammatical genders. Every gender has its personal article. There’s a masculine gender, proven by the article der (the), a female gender, which pairs with the article die (the), and at last, there’s a neuter gender which is proven by the article das (the).
Which gender a noun in German has been assigned will not be all the time intuitive. For instance, der Tisch (the desk) is taken into account masculine and paired with the masculine German article der, regardless of being an object with no masculine traits. It’s extremely necessary to be taught the gender of a noun as you broaden your pool of German vocabulary for that reason.
3 methods to determine the gender of nouns in German
You possibly can examine smarter, not more durable, by studying the traits of how grammatical gender is assigned to nouns in German—often the ending of the noun in query. These endings are often paired with a grammatical gender within the German language within the following teams:
- If the noun ends in -ig, -ling, -mus, -us, -or, -en, -er, then it’s almost definitely masculine.
- Examples: Materialismus (materialism), Frühling (spring)
- Ought to the noun finish in -in, -ion, -heit, -keit, -schaft, -ei, -ur, -ik, -tät, -anz, or -ie, chances are high that it’s female.
- Examples: Geschellschaft (society), Mathematik (arithmetic)
- When a noun ends in -tum, -chen, -lein, -ment, or -um, then you definitely possible are taking a look at a neuter noun.
- Examples: Märchen (fairy story), Datum (date)
How you can pluralize German nouns
Pluralizing nouns in German generally is a bit extra concerned than in English, as there aren’t any strict pluralization guidelines that apply to all nouns. As an alternative, how a noun adjustments in German to indicate plurality is indicated by the noun’s gender and ending. The article can be modified to the plural die.
Listed below are a couple of tips on the best way to pluralize nouns in German:
- German nouns usually change their ending to -e, -en, -n, and even -s like in English.
- Instance: der Hund (the canine) turns into die Hunde (the canines) when pluralized.
- Some nouns in German bear a vowel change, taking over an Umlaut to indicate plurality. This alteration sometimes happens in masculine nouns and a few neuter nouns
- Instance: der Apfel (the apple) turns into die Äpfel (the apples) when pluralized.
- There are German nouns (often neuter or some masculine nouns) that don’t change in any respect when pluralized, leaving the job of exhibiting plurality to its article.
- Instance: das Mädchen (the lady) turns into die Mädchen when pluralized.
Case endings for nouns in German
Understanding the case endings for German nouns is essential for forming right sentences and conveying which means precisely. There are 4 instances in German to be taught, however for probably the most half, noun endings will solely change to agree with the case when written within the Genitiv (genitive) case.
Masculine and neuter nouns on this grammatical case will tackle an ending of both -s or -es. For instance, der Mann (the person) adjustments its ending to des Mannes (the person’s/of the person) when written within the Genitiv case to indicate possession.
Widespread German nouns by classes

You’ll be taught a whole lot and even 1000’s of nouns in German the extra you apply. The charts under aren’t complete, however you’ll be able to try different fundamental German phrases and German phrases to check your data.
Folks and Households
Among the most simple nouns to be taught contain the individuals chances are you’ll work together with repeatedly.
German | Article and Gender | English |
Arzt/Ärztin | der (m)/die (f) | physician (male/feminine) |
Bruder | der (m) | brother |
Chef/Chefin | der (m)/die (f) | boss (male/feminine) |
Cousin/Cousine | der (m)/die (f) | cousin |
Eltern | plural (die) | dad and mom |
Frau | die (f) | girl |
Freund | der (m) | good friend/boyfriend (masculine) |
Freundin | die (f) | good friend/girlfriend (female) |
Großmutter/Oma | die (f) | grandmother/grandma |
Großvater/Opa | der (m) | grandfather/grandpa |
Junge | der (m) | boy |
Kartenvermittler/ Kartenvermittlerin | der (m)/die (f) | ticket agent (male/feminine) |
Variety | das (n) | baby |
Kollege/Kollegin | der (m)/die (f) | colleague (male/feminine) |
Mädchen | das (n) | lady |
Mann | der (m) | man |
Mitbewohner/Mitbewohnerin | der (m)/die (f) | roommate (male/feminine) |
Mutter/Mutti/Mama | die (f) | mom/mother/mommy |
Nachbar/Nachbarin | der (m)/die (f) | neighbor (male/feminine) |
Onkel | der (m) | uncle |
Polizist/Polizistin | der (m)/die (f) | policeman/girl |
Postbote/Postbotin | der (m)/die (f) | mailman/mailwoman |
Schwager/Schwägerin | der (m)/die (f) | brother/sister-in-law |
Schwester | die (f) | sister |
Schwiegermutter/Schwiegervater | der (m)/die (f) | mom/father-in-law |
Sohn | der (m) | son |
Tante | die (f) | aunt |
Tochter | die (f) | daughter |
Vater/Vati/Papa | der (m) | father/dad/daddy |
Verkäufer/Verkäuferin | der (m)/die (f) | retailer clerk (male/feminine) |
Hobbies and sports activities
Take pleasure in describing your free time actions with this checklist of nouns for Hobbies und Sport (hobbies and sports activities).
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Angel | die (f) | fishing rod |
Basketball | der (m) | basketball |
Bogen | der (m) | bow (for looking) |
Bowlingbahn | die (f) | bowling alley |
Brettspiel | das (n) | board sport |
Buch | das (n) | e book |
Fahrradtour | die (f) | bike tour |
Fitnessstudio | das (n) | health studio |
Fußball | der (m) | soccer |
Fußballplatz | der (m) | soccer area |
Garten | der (m) | backyard |
Gitarre | die (f) | guitar |
Jagd | die (f) | hunt |
Jagdausrüstung | die (f) | looking gear |
Kamera | die (f) | digicam |
Klavier | das (n) | piano |
Leinwand | die (f) | canvas |
Marathon | der (m) | marathon |
Musikinstrument | das (n) | musical instrument |
Puzzle | das (n) | puzzle |
Rennen | das (n) | race |
Schachfigur | die (f) | chess piece |
Schläger | der (m) | racket/bat |
Schlagzeug | das (n) | drums |
Spielplatz | der (m) | playground |
Sporthalle | die (f) | sport corridor/fitness center |
Stadion | das (n) | stadium |
Staffelei | die (f) | easel |
Surfbrett | das (n) | surfboard |
Tanzkurs | der (m) | dance class |
Tennisschläger | der (m) | tennis racket |
Coaching | das (n) | coaching/apply |
Wanderkarte | die (f) | climbing map |
Wanderung | die (f) | hike |
Yoga | das (n) | yoga |
Feelings and emotions
Categorical what Emotionen und Gefühle (feelings and emotions) are in your coronary heart by mastering this beneficial vocabulary:
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Aggression | die (f) | aggression |
Angst | die (f) | worry |
Aufregung | die (f) | pleasure |
Befriedigung | die (f) | satisfaction |
Begeisterung | die (f) | enthusiasm |
Dankbarkeit | die (f) | gratitude |
Eifersucht | die (f) | jealousy |
Einsamkeit | die (f) | loneliness |
Empörung | die (f) | outrage |
Entspannung | die (f) | leisure |
Enttäuschung | die (f) | disappointment |
Erleichterung | die (f) | reduction |
Freude | die (f) | pleasure |
Frustration | die (f) | frustration |
Furcht | die (f) | dread |
Gefühl | das (n) | feeling |
Gelassenheit | die (f) | calmness |
Hoffnung | die (f) | hope |
Liebe | die (f) | love |
Melancholie | die (f) | melancholy |
Mitleid | das (n) | compassion |
Neid | der (m) | envy |
Neugier | die (f) | curiosity |
Scham | die (f) | disgrace |
Sehnsucht | die (f) | longing |
Trauer | die (f) | mourning |
Traurigkeit | die (f) | disappointment |
Überraschung | die (f) | shock |
Ungeduld | die (f) | impatience |
Vertrauen | das (n) | belief |
Wonne | die (f) | bliss |
Wut | die (f) | anger |
Zärtlichkeit | die (f) | tenderness |
Zufriedenheit | die (f) | contentment |
Zuneigung | die (f) | affection |
Be ready for what Wetter (climate) you’ll expertise in Germany with this vocabulary checklist.
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Blitz | der (m) | lightning |
Brise | die (f) | breeze |
Donner | der (m) | thunder |
Dürre | die (f) | drought |
Eis | das (n) | ice |
Feuchtigkeit | die (f) | humidity |
Frost | der (m) | frost |
Gewitter | das (n) | thunderstorm |
Hagel | der (m) | hail |
Himmel | der (m) | sky |
Hitzewelle | die (f) | heatwave |
Kaltfront | die (f) | chilly entrance |
Klima | das (n) | local weather |
Lawine | die (f) | avalanche |
Luftfeuchtigkeit | die (f) | air humidity |
Monsun | der (m) | monsoon |
Nebel | der (m) | fog |
Orkan | der (m) | hurricane |
Regen | der (m) | rain |
Regenbogen | der (m) | rainbow |
Schnee | der (m) | snow |
Smog | der (m) | smog |
Sonne | die (f) | solar |
Sturm | der (m) | storm |
Taifun | der (m) | hurricane |
Tau | der (m) | dew |
Temperatur | die (f) | temperature |
Trockenheit | die (f) | dryness |
Überschwemmung | die (f) | flood |
Unwetter | das (n) | unhealthy climate/storm |
Warmfront | die (f) | heat entrance |
Wettervorhersage | die (f) | climate forecast |
Wind | der (m) | wind |
Wirbelsturm | der (m) | cyclone |
Wolke | die (f) | cloud |
Crops, flowers, and timber
Discover the various world of Pflanzenwelt (plants) with the help of the chart under.
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Ahorn | der (m) | maple |
Alge | die (f) | algae |
Ast | der (m) | department |
Bambus | der (m) | bamboo |
Baum | der (m) | tree |
Blatt | das (n) | leaf |
Blume | die (f) | flower |
Blüte | die (f) | blossom |
Busch | der (m) | bush |
Eiche | die (f) | oak |
Farn | der (m) | fern |
Flechte | die (f) | lichen |
Gemüse | das (n) | vegetable |
Gras | das (n) | grass |
Hecke | die (f) | hedge |
Kaktus | der (m) | cactus |
Kiefer | die (f) | pine |
Knospe | die (f) | bud |
Laub | das (n) | foliage |
Löwenzahn | der (m) | dandelion |
Moos | das (n) | moss |
Obst | das (n) | fruit |
Orchidee | die (f) | orchid |
Palme | die (f) | palm |
Pflanze | die (f) | plant |
Pilz | der (m) | mushroom |
Rinde | die (f) | bark |
Rose | die (f) | rose |
Samen | der (m) | seed |
Sonnenblume | die (f) | solar flower |
Strauch | der (m) | shrub |
Weide | die (f) | willow |
Wurzel | die (f) | root |
Zeder | die (f) | cedar |
Zweig | der (m) | twig |
Automobiles and transportation
Journey safely and effectively with these phrases for Fahrzeuge und Transport (automobiles and transportation).
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Anhänger | der (m) | trailer |
Auto | das (n) | automobile |
Boot | das (n) | boat |
Bus | der (m) | bus |
Dampfer | der (m) | steam ship |
Doppeldecker | der (m) | double-decker |
Fähre | die (f) | ferry |
Fahrrad | das (n) | bicycle |
Flugzeug | das (n) | airplane |
Geländewagen | der (m) | SUV |
Geländewagen | der (m) | off-road automobile |
Hubschrauber | der (m) | helicopter |
Kleinwagen | der (m) | compact automobile |
Krankenwagen | der (m) | ambulance |
Lastwagen | der (m) | truck |
Lieferwagen | der (m) | supply van |
Lokomotive | die (f) | locomotive |
Minivan | der (m) | minivan |
Moped | das (n) | moped |
Motorrad | das (n) | bike |
Müllwagen | der (m) | rubbish truck |
Polizeiauto | das (n) | police automobile |
Rennwagen | das (n) | race automobile |
Rettungsboot | das (n) | lifeboat |
Curler | der (m) | scooter |
Schiff | das (n) | ship |
Segelflieger | der (m) | glider |
Straßenbahn | die (f) | tram |
Straßenwalze | die (f) | steamroller |
Taxi | das (n) | taxi |
Traktor | der (m) | tractor |
U-Bahn | die (f) | subway |
U-Boot | das (n) | submarine |
Wohnmobil | das (n) | motorhome |
Zug | das (n) | practice |
Geographical options
Recognize the variety of geographische Merkmale (geographical options) on this planet by finding out this desk of phrases.
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Acker | der (m) | area |
Berg | der (m) | mountain |
Bucht | die (f) | bay |
Canyon | der (m) | canyon |
Delta | das (n) | delta |
Ebene | die (f) | plain |
Fjord | der (m) | fjord |
Fluss | der (m) | river |
Geälde | das (n) | cliff face |
Gebirge | das (n) | mountain vary |
Gletscher | der (m) | glacier |
Halbinsel | die (f) | peninsula |
Hochland | das (n) | highland |
Hügel | der (m) | hill |
Hügelland | das (n) | hill nation |
Insel | die (f) | island |
Klippe | die (f) | cliff |
Küste | die (f) | coast |
Landschaft | die (f) | panorama |
Meer | das (n) | sea |
Moor | das (n) | moor |
Ozean | der (m) | ocean |
Plateau | das (n) | plateau |
Quelle | die (f) | spring |
Sandstrand | der (m) | sandy seaside |
Schlucht | die (f) | gorge |
See | der (m) | lake |
Steppe | die (f) | steppe |
Strand | der (m) | seaside |
Tal | das (n) | valley |
Teich | der (m) | pond |
Vulkan | der (m) | volcano |
Wasserfall | der (m) | waterfall |
Wiese | die (f) | meadow |
Wüste | die (f) | desert |
Summary concepts and ideas
Not all nouns may be bodily held or seen—some are abstrakte Konzepte und Ideen (summary ideas and concepts) and are useful to precise your opinions.
German Noun | Article and Gender | English |
Bewusstsein | das (n) | consciousness |
Einfluss | der (m) | affect |
Entschlossenheit | die (f) | willpower |
Entwicklung | die (f) | improvement |
Erziehung | die (f) | training |
Ethik | die (f) | ethics |
Fortschritt | der (m) | progress |
Freiheit | die (f) | freedom |
Gerechtigkeit | die (f) | justice |
Gesellschaft | die (f) | society |
Gewissenhaftigkeit | die (f) | conscientiousness |
Identität | die (f) | id |
Inspiration | die (f) | inspiration |
Integrität | die (f) | integrity |
Komplexität | die (f) | complexity |
Kultur | die (f) | tradition |
Motivation | die (f) | motivation |
Mündigkeit | die (f) | maturity |
Optimismus | der (m) | optimism |
Paradigma | das (n) | paradigm |
Perspektive | die (f) | perspective |
Pessimismus | der (m) | pessimism |
Phantasie | die (f) | fantasy |
Prinzip | das (n) | precept |
Sicherheit | die (f) | safety |
Umstand | der (m) | circumstance |
Urteil | das (n) | judgment |
Veränderung | die (f) | change |
Verantwortung | die (f) | accountability |
Vernunft | die (f) | purpose |
Verstehen | das (n) | understanding |
Vorstellung | die (f) | creativeness |
Wahrheit | die (f) | reality |
Weisheit | die (f) | knowledge |
Wissen | das (n) | data |
Regularly requested questions on German nouns

It’s attainable you’ve puzzled about a number of the am häufigsten gestellten Fragen (mostly requested questions) about German nouns. We’ve included some solutions to assist clear up any confusion about nouns in German.
Do German nouns have a grammatical gender?
Sure, all German nouns are assigned one among three genders: masculine, female, or neuter. These grammatical genders should not all the time intuitive, reminiscent of der Berg (the mountain) being thought-about masculine regardless of being an object which, naturally, has no bodily gender. The gender of a noun is extremely necessary, because it impacts a number of features of German grammar like articles and adjectives and adjustments from one case to a different.
Do adjectives connect to nouns in German?
Sure, adjectives do connect to nouns in German. They need to agree with the noun when it comes to gender, quantity, and German case. This settlement impacts how the adjective is declined, which means the ending of the adjective adjustments based mostly on the noun it modifies.
Are all nouns capitalized in German?
Sure, whether or not originally, center, or finish of a sentence, all nouns are capitalized in German. Within the case of compound nouns, the place two or extra phrases are mixed into one noun, solely the primary letter of the compound noun is capitalized. For instance, the phrases Hand (hand) and Schuh (shoe) may be mixed into Handschuh (glove), however solely the primary letter of the compound noun is capitalized
Correct nouns, like names of individuals, locations, manufacturers, and so forth are additionally all the time capitalized. Nonetheless, German pronouns, excluding the formal Sie (you/you all), are solely capitalized if they’re in the beginning of the sentence.
How can I inform the gender of nouns in German?
A usually profitable approach of figuring out the gender of widespread nouns in German is by analyzing the ending of the given noun. Noun endings reminiscent of -mus within the phrase Materialismus (materialism) are often masculine. Different endings like -heit within the phrase Gesundheit (well being) are usually labeled female and if the noun ends in -ment as in Medikament (medicine) then chances are high that it’s a neuter noun. Many German noun endings may be recognized and grouped by grammatical gender on this approach, which makes it simple to be taught German!