Why Are You Studying Arabic? لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟

لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟

Why are you studying Arabic?

On this final Arabic weblog publish, we’ll say مع السلامة goodbye and ship you all some comfortable needs concerning your Arabic studying. We’ll additionally take a look at the targets أهداف or causes أسباب many Arabic learners have for studying this distinctive language, resembling work, journey, faith, an curiosity in Arab tradition, and so forth., that will help you clarify to others in Arabic why you’re studying this language, along with hopefully encouraging you to maintain going! 🤗

Picture offered by Yasmine Ok.

لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟

🎇There are after all numerous totally different the explanation why people resolve to study Arabic. Listed here are only a few…

📝Pay attention to key phrases resembling ثقافة, التحدث, السفر, and so forth.

التعرف على الثقافة العربية والتعمق في عادات وتقاليد البلدان التي تتحدث باللغة العربية

Find out about Arab tradition and delve into the customs and traditions of nations that talk the Arabic language.

هناك ٢٥ دولة تتحدث اللغة العربية فهناك دائما ارتفاع في الطلب على متحدثين بها ويتيح فرصاً فريدة للنمو الشخصي والمهني

There are 25 nations that talk Arabic and there may be at all times a excessive demand for Arabic audio system, providing distinctive alternatives for private {and professional} development.

سهولة السفر للدول الناطقة بالعربية وتعزيز التفاهم بين الثقافات

Ease of journey to Arabic-speaking nations and the promotion of intercultural understanding.

التعرف على ثاني أكبر ديانة بالعالم. فعند دراسة اللغة العربية، تكتسب نظرة ثاقبة حول المعتقدات والتقاليد الإسلامية

Study concerning the second largest faith on the planet. Finding out Arabic means that you can achieve perception into Islamic beliefs and traditions.

🤔Can you place collectively a solution to the query above in Arabic?

🎇Sadly, that is our final Arabic language weblog publish. Since we’re saying goodbye, let’s overview some frequent methods to say goodbye in Trendy Normal Arabic.

🎇Let’s start with the most typical method to say goodbye in Arabic utilized in each formal and non formal conditions.

مع السَّلامة

Which means “with peace/security”.

السَّلامُ عَليكُم 

Which means “peace be upon you”. In addition to a greeting, this phrase will also be used to bid somebody farewell. It’s a formal method to say goodbye and at all times the most secure selection with individuals you briefly are available in contact with resembling cab drivers, officers, or sellers on the market.


Could be very formal coming from the phrase وداع which is actually the act of claiming “goodbye” or “farewell”.

إلى اللقاء

Which means “goodbye” or “until our subsequent assembly”.

There isn’t any have to conjugate these relying on gender, singular or plural.

الله معك

“Might God be with you”. That is one other frequent method to say goodbye. Works in each formal and casual contexts. Typically it’s added to different goodbye phrases or stated by itself. You’ll have to conjugate this phrase.

الله مَعَك (male)

الله مَعِك  (feminine)

الله مَعْكُم  (plural)

I hope you discovered this publish that will help you describe your targets for studying Arabic and that you just proceed to take action.

!أتمنى لكم النجاح

Wishing you success!

Wishing you all the very best in your Arabic language studying journey and إلى اللقاء! 🤗

The publish Why Are You Studying Arabic? لماذا تتعلم اللغة العربية؟ first appeared on Arabic Language Weblog.

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